The Shaving Cadre

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The Good Morning Thread

Working from home this morning. Even though it's Good Friday, we do our payroll submission on Monday and well, someone has to do the pre-submission processing and validation. Gotta keep those truck driving boys and girls paid; they work hard and are very important to so many supply chains.
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PS. Look, @Dave in KY , not a mad face!


Hey, waddayaknow, I submitted this to the "staff selfie" competition in our corporate newsletter that we're publishing during this CV19 thing and got selected. It comes with a $25 gift card (Tim Hortons, Starbucks, LCBO <Liquor store>, or the Beer Store <yup, a store that sells only beer>) which I donated to one of our drivers who constantly works around 60 hrs a week. He needs and deserves it more than I.

Hey, waddayaknow, I submitted this to the "staff selfie" competition in our corporate newsletter that we're publishing during this CV19 thing and got selected. It comes with a $25 gift card (Tim Hortons, Starbucks, LCBO <Liquor store>, or the Beer Store <yup, a store that sells only beer>) which I donated to one of our drivers who constantly works around 60 hrs a week. He needs and deserves it more than I.
That really is a good morning!
Just my thought this morning. Pre corona I would wake up, get ready and leave for work. Sometimes my son was awake, daughter was always asleep, and Megan was just starting to get ready for the day too. Off to work, then home and it would seem dinner and bed. Now I wake up, start work, hear the kids stirring and lock my computer and go upstairs and just enjoy breakfast with my family. One positive thing about this corona virus. The people I live with are acutally pretty interesting.

All joking aside the slow down in regards to the day to day grind has been kind of nice honestly.
Just my thought this morning. Pre corona I would wake up, get ready and leave for work. Sometimes my son was awake, daughter was always asleep, and Megan was just starting to get ready for the day too. Off to work, then home and it would seem dinner and bed. Now I wake up, start work, hear the kids stirring and lock my computer and go upstairs and just enjoy breakfast with my family. One positive thing about this corona virus. The people I live with are acutally pretty interesting.

All joking aside the slow down in regards to the day to day grind has been kind of nice honestly.
I couldn’t agree more. Before all this I would get about 3ish hours per day with my daughter. Now I get to be with her all day. It’s definitely the silver lining.
I couldn’t agree more. Before all this I would get about 3ish hours per day with my daughter. Now I get to be with her all day. It’s definitely the silver lining.
I was in the same boat. Because of my evening shift I might have been lucky to even see my kids some days. It’s definitely been an advantage, as much as I gripe about it some times :ROFLMAO:
Maryland Sunrise
I dunno...I think I saw that once in The Walking Dead Covid-19 episode...

Hey, waddayaknow, I submitted this to the "staff selfie" competition in our corporate newsletter that we're publishing during this CV19 thing and got selected. It comes with a $25 gift card (Tim Hortons, Starbucks, LCBO <Liquor store>, or the Beer Store <yup, a store that sells only beer>) which I donated to one of our drivers who constantly works around 60 hrs a week. He needs and deserves it more than I.
Glad I could inspire you to reach for your selfie potential
Morning all! Below freezing temps to start the day off with frost on the rooftops. Looks like it will be an underwear day today.
Good mornings are in order! It's a frigid (sarcasm here) 45 degrees and it's sunny. I have my coffee in hand and joying some quiet time with the Cadre!
Time to put on some coffee and start the day off right.
Wonderful! Outside of making coffee for the wife and I a few times, and a break for lunch and intermittent TSC browsing, I've been compiling Aging reports for A/R. Yay me!