The Shaving Cadre

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The Dreaded 2019 TSC "S Word" Thread

NOOOOOOO, I thought you were a shoe in for going the distance. If Aaron couldn't do it.............I'll NEVER be able to do one
Heh, the only guy left has gotten more stuff this year than everyone else combined
Heh, the only guy left has gotten more stuff this year than everyone else combined
And he just received a Rockwell Model T in the mail yesterday from the Kickstarter that he... I mean I... backed many moons ago.

Even with that I am starting to feel the desire to give in to my ADs.
@dkeester -

I'm happy to keep you company (and face the hordes). I started over at the other place at the beginning of the year and have been good. (I've been aided by the spreadsheet showing me the gobs of stuff I already own.)

@bobmsp, I am glad that you have decided to join the "S" thread.
Unfortunately, with the den clearing and yard sale threads, I fell off the wagon. I made it three months, but the temptation was too much. Sorry.
I personally would say the Yard Sale is a TSC event. So maybe that one doesn't count? Obviously that is up to the individual.
o_Oo_Oo_O If he @dkeester fell off with multiple things after getting that MEGA Josh pif I KNOW I will NEVER be able to do 1 again and I won't feel guilty. @bobmsp take up the torch, I'll at least cheer you on
It was all hardware, no software, that led me astray. That and being the only one doing it. (Yes, I fell off before @bobmsp made his post above.)
@bobmsp is pretty good the CEC has had operatives on him for awhile across multiple platforms. He is good. We have a picture of him in Langley as The Most Wanted, LOL