The Shaving Cadre

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The Dreaded 2019 TSC "S Word" Thread

I give up.
I fully support and highly recommended ALL Cadre member utilize the “S” word whenever possible...if you find you shaving den filled to the gills with goop, overflowing with fluff, stacked to the rafters with tubs of soap, or just plain feel like “you’ve got too much stuff” I say jump right on that “S” word bandwagon without a moment’s hesitation. That’s right do it today!
Share what you’ve got with your wife, you kids, your neighbors and your kin (or do a big ol PIF).
Stuff some of your oldest soaps, brushes, blades and razors in a box and Ship it to Someone in need (donate, sell on eBay or PIF it away)...or just write a random persons name and address on the box and let it go, all that matters is you got room now!
Spread your stash around the house, when you spread it around it won’t look like it’s as excessive. ...Hey, my wife rotates her summer and winter clothes why can’t I rotate my shaving gear by season? (or week or month?)
Sell...(why didn’t I say this first) that’s right, SELL some of you STUFF. It doesn’t matter what price you ask so long as you are able to turn to your spouse and say “I’m selling AAAAALLLL this stuff”. Then when you buy a bunch of new stuff you can honestly say... “hey, I SOLD AAAAALLLL that stuff so I could buy THIS”. But be careful emphasizing “this” too often, it’s best to save the emphasized “this” for special occasions.
You could just suck it up and Store your extra gear in you secret Stash spot (I use little cigar boxes for my razors, when stacked under my platform bed they look like supports)

Soooo many “s” words to love. Jump right on the “s” word bandwagon!
I may not have been on this particular adventure. But I might have well been. I can count on one hand the the times I made a purchase this year of shaving gear.
I may not have been on this particular adventure. But I might have well been. I can count on one hand the the times I made a purchase this year of shaving gear.

What to do with people like this?
Another great "s" word SHAVE
You could just go shave everything and everyone you you know. Shave the cat then sell it as one of those hairless jobs, not only will you earn yourself a cool custom TSC title you can make a bunch of money. Even after you use some to bail yourself out and pay a good defense attorney you should have plenty for more shaving stuff).

So what "s" word were you guys talking about anyway?
(I use little cigar boxes for my razors, when stacked under my platform bed they look like supports)

In spite of PIFing a bunch of soaps earlier this year, I again find myself overstocked, even though I use only three brands! My shaving gear drawer is nearly full. It's not my fault when soapmakers offer discounts, free shipping, or bring out new soap lines (I'm looking at YOU, @CBLindsay !) I'll get to them. In the meantime, my ability to plow through my burgeoning soap stores has been stalled by the need to use the remains of a dozen tubs in the form of My Special Blend 3 (MSB3). The MSB3 tub is stuffed to the gills with barely enough room to whip up lather, and it weighs a ton. However, it sure is fun to shave with the memories of soaps gone by. Sadly, I am a Failed Minimalist, though I'll continue to try to exercise restraint. As soon as my Vector arrives.
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In spite of PIFing a bunch of soaps earlier this year, I again find myself overstocked, even though I use only three brands! My shaving gear drawer is nearly full. It's not my fault when soapmakers offer discounts, free shipping, or bring out new soap lines (I'm looking at YOU, @CBLindsay !) I'll get to them. In the meantime, my ability to plow through my burgeoning soap stores has been stalled by the need to use the remains of a dozen tubs in the form of My Special Blend 3 (MSB3). The MSB3 tub is stuffed to the gills with barely enough room to whip up lather, and it weighs a ton. However, it sure is fun to shave with the memories of soaps gone by. Sadly, I am a Failed Minimalist, though I'll continue to try to exercise restraint. As soon as my Vector arrives.
I hear you. Try being a guy who makes soap that not only needs to test beta soap but also has all these cool frags to enjoy. I have a soap saver bag that is supposed to hold a bar of soap and keep it dry between showers...I stuff it full of shaving soap and use it like a big soapy loofa just so I can burn through some of the extra soap I have laying around. ...sadly this leaves me with a growing pile of much better bath soap from Stirling sitting in my drawer.