This is proving to be harder than I thought. Went to three stores this morning and couldn't find the razor. The first store is closed for renovation, which is a shame, because I saw the razors there, even picked up the package to examine it. The other two stores carry blades, but not razors. I called a fourth, but they told me they don't carry them. Looking online, I found them in bulk, but no thanks. Ebay has offers of $9 and $10 + shipping, but that's crazy. Amazon doesn't carry them.
Would someone be willing to loan me a razor and blade so I may participate in this challenge? I PROMISE to return it. If you are, I'll PM my address. Have a great day, Cadre!
Go Rams!
Would someone be willing to loan me a razor and blade so I may participate in this challenge? I PROMISE to return it. If you are, I'll PM my address. Have a great day, Cadre!
Go Rams!