Partially copied form my One Blade February entry:
Yesterday my Parker gave up. It failed to give me a close shave. And that is my deciding factor for pitching a blade. Around noon, I felt my face, and I had a lot of stubble, the same feel I don't expect until well into the evening. That's when I know that the next day I'm getting a new blade. Couldn't even get two weeks out of this blade (12 days), and that is appalling.
Threw a new one in today, and it still feels a bit draggy... but maybe not quite as much as the last one did on its first shave. So maybe there's hope. There's today + 15 more shaves this month, so we'll see if this one will last for the remainder of the challenge.
Still at a loss at how this blade is loved by so many. It's one of the worst I've ever tried.
So, tomorrow is valentines day, one of the worst holidays ever. I just don't see the point. I know there's actually some history behind it, but it has turned into a Halmark Holiday where you are just expected to shell out a bunch of money to show those that you love..... how much you love them. Dumb. You should be doing that all along.... not the spending money part, but showing them that you care. You don't need a day to designate affection. Anyway, I will not be doing anything special for it, but I will have a special shave for it. I have some controversial items in waiting, queued up for tomorrow that definitely fit the theme of the day. So stay tuned to tomorrow's VLOG for that.
Other than that, it's going to be a great Air Force Day. Hooah!