The Shaving Cadre

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SUMO Contest July 2024 Basho

For anyone who picked Takayasu I will allow you to pick a different wrestler in that category. Please message me your pick BEFORE 4PM MT today otherwise you are stuck with Takayasu
Here are results as of Day 2 (before any re-picks for Takayasu)

For the newcomer to sumo, it admittedly looks awfully weird. A bunch of heavy-set guys slapping each other around, bouncing bellies, wearing nothing more than a glorified diaper. The terminology is weird, sure because it's all in Japanese. But after you hear some words a few times they start to sound familiar, and you start learning them fairly quickly. One common word you'll hear is the Japanese word for their garment... especially if you hang around Chad for any length of time. "A thick-waisted loincloth worn for sumo training and competition." Sekitori wrestlers wear white cotton for training and colored silk for competition; lower ranks wear dark cotton for both training and competition.