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Spider’s Hawaiian Vacation

Views from my hotel room.

out window to the north

Off balcony facing east

Off balcony facing south
Hanauma Bay

After snorkeling.... and the Mohawk survived!
Rough shift!

I’m jealous. My wife has been a couple times, but I’ve yet to visit any of the islands. We hope to go in a year with her entire side of the family.
As you snorkeled , did you scare anyone out of the water thinking the mohawk was a shark fin? Nice pics, have fun !
Very nice KJ. Thanks for sharing. Farthest west I have been is central Ohio....... Always wanted to go to the islands though.
My old stomping grounds! I spent the better part of five years there! I hope you enjoy! If you make it to the north shore the HUGE waves might still be active! I was there in the 90s so I am sure a lot has changed since then!
Just hairspray man. It goes out pretty quick in the shower and I figured it would in the water too. Maybe the salt, maybe the cold water, but it barely budged.
Went to the Flea Market at the Aloha Stadium. Best place to buy cheap souvenirs! Then went on a hike to Waimano Falls. Little rain here so wasn’t flowing much. But is was an awesome hike, with great scenery.

Leave it to KJ to find a big freaky bug

Just a moth, and not very big. I’m actually surprised by the lack of bugs and small animals here. I saw much more when I went to Guam.
I actually expected to see a bunch on the road to Hana as well and saw nothing.
Great photos KJ. The wife and I are hoping to go there once the kids are a bit older.
Went snorkeling yesterday right in front of my hotel......

If you look closely off the coast you can see something in the air, it’s actually the B-2, flying in formation with two F-22s.

My tower is the one in the middle.

This stingrays tail was about 5 feet long!

Looks like a sea turtle in the coral. Mermaid petroglyphs?
Then spent another evening at the Masonic lodge.

I took a bunch of underwater pics on a few vacations and found if you use auto colour balance I think it was on photoshop it makes a world of difference with the colours popping and everything. I just looked at the app version of photoshop and it doesn’t have that feature but I messed around with it a little. I’ll see if I still have a functioning version of photoshop when I get home.