Glad Kristi is keeping clear of nausea so far. I had no oral chemo to contend with, so I don’t know much about them other that they are GENERALLY better tolerated than IV chemos. However, the cumulative effects are unknown to me. Glad you’re seeing the oncologist soon. Be well, Rich, and have faith during these incredibly challenging times. A day at a time, an hour at a time if need be. Supporting Kristi is your only job now.Kristi is approaching the second week of her treatments. The anti-nausea drugs they added to her infusion are quite worn off so she is carefully timing her meds to keep the queasiness at bay. So far no chunkage. I learned she is not always taking all her poison pills. I don’t quite know what to think about that. I want her to have minimal misery, but also want the therapy to be effective. We have a follow up with her oncologist on the 17th. We will see if the trajectory of the therapy is altered.