The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Rich Tries to post a video.

Glad you’re doing well Rich! I hope the loosening sticks. But man...if they had to give you nerve blockers...they must have been doing to heavy :poop:
Had a nerve block for my shoulder surgery. Keep it from getting froze again for sure Rich. Man I enjoyed the video but you seemed zonked. Mellow Rich
Just watching your PdP 63 video now. Oh ya, I see what they are saying. Everything is a-okay in Rich's world :ROFLMAO: Way to be a trooper and get a vid out! I do think straight shaving under the influence is a misdemeanor though.

What???? Your videos are unscripted? Colour me shocked!
All caught up. Who would have guessed that Rich could be even more mellow. I'm in the mood for a recliner nap and I don't even own one.
Nice video Rich! The Cube has popped up here and there in conversations, I always wondered if it was worth it; clearly for you it must be! :cool: