The Shaving Cadre

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Rich is shopping Corvettes.

Rich we have a ton out here PM me the specs you want and I will search for you prices ETC they are all over here as most C5's c6's and C7's are being unloaded for the C8
This one looks easy to get in and out of -

On further study, the wrong bits of candidate 1 are pretty easy to address. Got a call he got the starter installed and running fine. He is bringing it to a point halfway so I can either like it a lot and buy it, or send him home with 2 cars. I’m hoping to meet him halfway on the dry rotted tires (about 500) and if I like how it drives, I’ll be sportin’ new wheels before the day is done. Long term test run will have already been done for me. When I looked underneath, it really did resemble a big Miata. I’m going in anticipating a bigger, way more powerful Miata.