The Shaving Cadre

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Rich is shopping Corvettes.

Welp. Sometime (most times) things look better in pictures than they do in person. He didn’t have it running today and the accumulation of a number of small things moved the first candidate to the “maybe” column. I have hopes of seeing it run next week. If it runs amazingly great it might offset the 9 year old tires, the sagging headliner, crazing in the paint, and worn door hinge pins. Realizing full well it’s a 23 year old car. I did put 500 down to hold it. But it’s gotta run perfect. Next week. The quest goes on.
Not the dream machine, but doesn't sound like lipstick on a pig either. Keep on keeping on, until you find something that tickles your fancy. If the 'vette is your dream car, don't settle for something lower quality than you want or you probably won't enjoy it that much.
When he put a screwdriver across the starter solenoid and it didn’t even pull a spark I knew there were open windings in the starter. But he’s had two weeks to put the starter in. Ok I get he’s 69 years old. But if he wants to sell the car wouldn’t he at least have a way to show the car runs? I am a little disappointed. It’s at the tip pity top of what I’m able to spend. I would have to drive on sketchy tires. So much potential though. I don’t regret putting down a deposit. Most of the little things I can fix.
When he put a screwdriver across the starter solenoid and it didn’t even pull a spark I knew there were open windings in the starter. But he’s had two weeks to put the starter in. Ok I get he’s 69 years old. But if he wants to sell the car wouldn’t he at least have a way to show the car runs? I am a little disappointed. It’s at the tip pity top of what I’m able to spend. I would have to drive on sketchy tires. So much potential though. I don’t regret putting down a deposit. Most of the little things I can fix.
This would make me leery Rich. Perhaps there are more issues than just the starter. Just a red flag is up for me. I hope you find what will be your heart smiling ride is all. Not a regret. Tough decision when car shopping and hoping for the best possible outcome whether with this one or another :cool:
I'm on board with the ankle photographer, Rich. Have you thought about a Miata instead? The older models are sexy little things.
I'm on board with the ankle photographer, Rich. Have you thought about a Miata instead? The older models are sexy little things.
I agree other than Rich's Corvette Hips make the Miata difficult. Many swear by them things. Just don't get a girly color....
I'm on board with the ankle photographer, Rich. Have you thought about a Miata instead? The older models are sexy little things.
I just sold my Miata. It was a ‘93. Wicked fun to drive! But it was getting increasingly difficult to enter/exit.0E3C55C6-1D49-4962-BBE0-9B16E555B9EF.jpeg
A friend once said on the average used car when looking at the price Always add at least 2 or 3 thousand dollars to the cost for misc things you have to get fixed... On something like a corvette you can easily figure about double that...I mean if or when I buy a used car I immediately assume it needs oil change transmission fluid change tires tune up brakes A/C recharge and other little things like that so I automatically assume I'm gonna need to spend those cost in addition to purchase price. Its always worked for me since I went to that mode of thought on the realistic cost and sometimes I have gotten lucky and not had to do as much work as I initially thought.