The Shaving Cadre

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Rich is shopping Corvettes.

Excited for you Rich! It’s really happening!

My only caution would be making sure, for such a finely tuned machine, the owner has all the upkeep paperwork...and of course have your own mechanic check it out.
It is torch red. I think the only red color that year, and probably the most popular.
Going over to look at the car tomorrow. The starter is stalled in shipping, but I’ll get to look at it closely. More pics to follow. If it goes well, I’ll put down half. Then the other half on delivery. Maybe a walk around movie. After talking to the guy on the phone, I like him. 69 years old. This is his 5th vette has had it 17 years and he assures me it runs perfect (yeah right) but also says if I don’t buy it, he’s driving it to Florida. So that implies he trusts the car.
Sexy hips, man 💃 , not hip-replacement hips 👨‍🦳

I am really partial to a '56...but who am I kidding...the likelihood of me getting any version in any year is probably a dream! Good for you Rich...I really hope it all works out for you!
