The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate

Shave Count (DE: 531 SE: 9 SR: 866)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller Notovan
Scuttle: PAA Brush Warmer
Splash and go

Razor: Clauss SR
Blade: none
Brush: Knothead Boar
Soap: PAA Sangre de Drago

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
Thayers Witch Hazel Cucumber
AS: PAA Sangre de Drago
View attachment 70115
Shave Count (DE: 531 SE: 9 SR: 865)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller Notovan
Scuttle: PAA Brush Warmer
Splash and go

Razor: Clauss SR
Blade: none
Brush: Knothead Boar
Soap: PAA Sangre de Drago

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
Thayers Witch Hazel Cucumber
AS: PAA Sangre de Drago

The Deets-
Went back to this soap/AS again on Sunday and will rock it the rest of the work week. The plan is still to knock out this set and move onto the next one. I think I have finalized my permanent rotation, now it’s a matter of using up some one and done sets, then buy the few remaining that I want to add. This may take awhile. Was hoping to be there by Spring, but I won’t make it. At least I won’t run out of soap soon.

Had another great shave today. Three smooth passes and I am BBS for the win! Wrapped everything up with a healthy splash of the aftershave and everything was right as rain! I am really enjoying the shaving tools at my disposal, they make for very enjoyable shaves. I have my razors and brushes sorted, now just finalizing soaps and aftershaves. Life is good!

Home Front-
I don’t think I mentioned it but the missus was out of town for the weekend. Thankfully the pups and I survived. I didn’t get near the to-dos done that I had planned, but that’s ok. She came back home yesterday morning and just relaxed while I worked from home. I took today off for our 31st wedding anniversary. I am truly blessed that she kept me around all this time. The pups are the same. They are feeling so much better. But they still have to take pills until they run out. That should be Wednesday for Turbo, and Saturday for the Bully. Guess that’s enough for one update. Have a great day!
Happy Anniversary wishes to the lucky couple!
Wouldn’t dog food be cheaper than new pet beds every once in a while? :)
Oh … she eats that too. She has a bazillion toys, but doesn’t tear them up. She is also chewing bedroom furniture. Bitter apple slows her down and then she eats something else.
Shave Count (DE: 531 SE: 9 SR: 869)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller Notovan
Scuttle: PAA Brush Warmer
Splash and go

Razor: Waterville SR
Blade: none
Brush: Trotter Handcrafts Costa Oscuro Boar
Soap: HeV Duc de Santal

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
Thayers Witch Hazel Cucumber
AS: HeV Duc de Santal

The Deets-
Finished out the work week with the Sangre de Drago and then grabbed the Duc de Santal for today. I had several break in options for this new knot. I could have set it in a glass of water and put it in the fridge … nope. I could have lathered and let it set for 24 hours, then rinse and repeat … nope. I just used my tried and true method. I let it sit in warm water for about 5 minutes, loaded the soap very heavy and then shaved.

Works every time. I load a lot heavier with a new knot, because I expect it to eat some of the soap. I scored three smooth passes and I am BBS for the win! The soap was a bit thin on the last two passes, but it worked. Wrapped everything up with witch hazel and then a splash of the aftershave and everything was right as rain! Cold and overcast today … hm. Life is good!