Shave Count (DE: 387 SE: 9 SR: 459)
Pre Shave-
Strop: TM Plain Vanilla
Splash and go
Razor: Dovo SR
Blade: none
Brush: DSC Badger
Soap: PAA Sangre de Drago
Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: PAA Sangre de Drago
Frag: none
The Shave-
Early morning shave to start the week off. On desk today is the Sangre de Drago set that I received on Saturday, but I wanted to wait for today to use it. Off the tub, this soap smells great, with a dark woody scent. I went with a damp brush and a 15 second load time and had a fair amount of paste on my brush. I started face lathering, adding water as I went and the lather just exploded ... KABOOM! I grab the DSC when I want a luxurious mess and it was a good choice with this soap. The brush has a large knot that will hold and release a lot of lather. Man I had some lather goodness going on this morning.
10 laps on linen and 50 laps on leather and I was ready for business. I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. That was a very nice shave! I had 3 luxurious passes and the scent hung with it. I'll leave the heavy duty critique to others, but for me it checked all the boxes. And of course, if it checked all the boxes ... I am BBS for the win! Finished up the shave with a nice post shave lather while I cleaned the shave gear. I should have took some pics, I had enough lather for another shave and then some.
Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. A glug of the AS and everything was right as rain! That's right friends and neighbors ... right as rain. The reducer in the AS bottle is glug friendly, so if that's not your thing be careful. The scent is just a bit different when first applied and I couldn't place what I was smelling, but it was nice. It quickly settled into the same scent as the soap. And for me, the post shave feel is spot on as well. The longevity of the scent doesn't seem as long/strong as the Bay Rum, but I can catch a whiff every once and again. Yup, that was a good buy and this one has earned a place in the rotation. Life is good!