The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate


Shave Count (DE: 385 SE: 9 SR: 453)

Pre Shave-
Strop: None
Splash and go

Razor: Gillette Senator
Blade: Astra SP (1)
Brush: Stirling Boar
Soap: Stirling Glastonbury

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Stirling Glastonbury
Frag: none

Did someone say OC? Great shave today and I am BBS for the win!

Off to mow and other fun stuff.

Shave Count (DE: 385 SE: 9 SR: 454)

Pre Shave-
Strop: TM Plain Vanilla
Splash and go

Razor: Black Diamond
Blade: none
Brush: Zenith Boar
Soap: Stirling Hipster

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Stirling Hipster
Frag: none

The Process-
Early morning shave today and Stirling Hipster got the nod. I will begin another thinning of the soap herd at some point, but Stirling will maintain a place in that rotation. This week I am trying to go back to my normal shave routine of a 5/2. That is a 5 day work week with the same set and then 2 random shaves on the weekends. Anyway, a 30 second load time and Hipster did not disappoint. The Zenith churned up a really nice lather and I had plenty to work with.

10 laps on linen and 50 laps on leather and it was go time. I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. That was an excellent shave. I had a nice, low density lather that didn’t lose scent during the shave. The razor just glided effortlessly for all three passes. And I am BBS for the win! Stirling just dials right in every time. Man that was nice ... relaxing ... well it was great! And lather to spare for a post shave lather while I cleaned my shave gear.

Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. Followed that up with a glug of the AS and everything was right as rain! Yes it was. That is how to start a day. Did I mention that I’m digging this scent too? Life is good!

Home Front-
Mostly a chill weekend and I needed it. Last week was kinda rough at the work place. But front and side yards were mowed yesterday and the back will be done this evening. Just in time for the rain tomorrow. Anyway that’s it at the moment.
I really like Hipster. It's a nice fresh scent and it's got the typical great Stirling performance. Congrats!

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