The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate

yep and I think all of us used the LA method till we saw the light and found our own grove in honing, whatever that may be
One thing that I feel is helping me with my natural stones is the use of high grit SiC wet/dry sandpaper (1000 and above) used with a flat marble tile for lapping and polishing. The sandpaper is fairly cheap and has helped me put a mirror finish on my SB Ark from Dan's. The slow break-in process will work, but lapping/polishing with high grit SiC paper could save you some time. Just a thought from another novice. Regardless of your process you are going to end up with an amazing finishing stone. I hope the stone breaks in quickly!
One thing that I feel is helping me with my natural stones is the use of high grit SiC wet/dry sandpaper (1000 and above) used with a flat marble tile for lapping and polishing. The sandpaper is fairly cheap and has helped me put a mirror finish on my SB Ark from Dan's. The slow break-in process will work, but lapping/polishing with high grit SiC paper could save you some time. Just a thought from another novice. Regardless of your process you are going to end up with an amazing finishing stone. I hope the stone breaks in quickly!

Thanks for that info. Did you stay at 1k paper or move up?
Thanks for that info. Did you stay at 1k paper or move up?
I went up to 1200 for the current finish on the stone.

I recently got some higher grit paper from Amazon that I am going to use to try to get an even higher polish on the stone. First, however, I have to finish lapping two pieces of Chinese 12k slate that I picked up from Woodcraft on clearance and refinishing a third Chinese 12k slate that I picked up from @The Monkey. Both of the clearance stones have deep tool marks that I am trying to work out with some 400 and 600 grit paper. The other slate just had some light scratches that were easily removed. I am hoping to eventually get all three to a very high shine. Once those are in better shape, I plan to spend some more time on my SB Ark.

This is the paper that I am using now:
Some guys have touted loose SIC powder and steel cookie sheets for flattening hones. Supposedly quicker to get them flat then the paper to desire level of surface polish.
Some guys have touted loose SIC powder and steel cookie sheets for flattening hones. Supposedly quicker to get them flat then the paper to desire level of surface polish.
The powder will also chew up the lapping medium if you aren't careful. I hadn't thought of using a cookie sheet. I suppose I could buy a cheap one, or or a used one from Goodwill.

I have some 600 and 1000 loose powder, but haven't used it since I don't want to destroy the marble tile that I am using as the lapping medium for the paper.

Shave Count (DE: 385 SE: 9 SR: 452)

Pre Shave-
Strop: none
Splash and go

Razor: Gillette Super Speed
Blade: Wizamet (?)
Brush: Stirling Boar
Soap: Mitchells Wool Fat

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Aramis
Frag: Aramis

The Process-
Last early morning shave of the work week and I am going out strong. I don't usually wear a frag, but when I do it is Aramis. My wife purchased my first bottle for me decades ago and it's a great Chypre scent that has stood the test of time. It is similar to Avon Clint, for those that have tried that vintage juice. There was a matching soap at one point, but if you can find it now it is way overpriced. From what I have read, the soap wasn't that great anyway. No worries, when I have an AS with no matching soap The Fat gets the nod. I have not had any lathering issues with MWF, it produces a great lather for me. A 30 second load time this morning and I had more than enough lather to take care of business. The soap does have a scent, which is fairly light, but it is pretty much gone once it is rinsed off. The Stirling boar was also on deck today and I am really liking this brush. It has plenty of backbone and the tips have really softened up.

I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. That was an outstanding shave! Using short strokes, I made quick work of those whiskers and I am BBS for the win! Oh yeah ... that's how you pound out the work week! Once again, a stellar performance from The Fat and the Gillette combination, although I do need to give credit to the Wizamet blade as well. I have lost count of the number of shaves on this blade, but it is still going strong. And once again, I had enough for a post shave lather while I cleaned the shave gear. Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. A dab of the ASB and everything was right as rain! Yup, it's a ASB, but thinner than some. It does a good job with post shave feel and it has an awesome scent. Yes, I smell amazing! I just so happen to have the matching frag also, so a few squirst of that and I smell super amazing! It's going to be a great day. Life is good.

Shave Count (DE: 385 SE: 9 SR: 453)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller Plain Vanilla
Splash and go

Razor: Black Diamond SR
Blade: None
Brush: Omega Pro Boar
Soap: CBL Master Barber - Green Vally Links

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Avon Everett

The Process-
Very nice late morning shave today. The CBL Master Barber is one that I haven’t tried yet. I finally got some spare tins, so it got the nod. I have this in two separate scents, but as mentioned in another thread I think I just smell the base. Both of the pucks I have, while different scents, smell exactly the same. Could be my nose and probably is. With that said, I will be treating these as unscented for my AS choices. The lather was nice. I whipped up a low density, creamy lather that had plenty of slickness. The Omega Pro hasn’t seen much action lately, but did a bang up job of making lather.

10 laps on linen and 50 on leather and it was go time. I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. The lather seemed to hold a decent amount of water and I didn’t push it. It did fine with the water I used, but I may push it further next time. I was mindful of the scent because I wanted to see if it would open up and give me more. It didn’t. It did come and go with the same muted scent. In spite of the scent, it delivers a really nice shave and I am BBS for the win! And I had enough for a post shave lather while I cleaned the shave gear.

Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. A healthy splash of the AS and everything was right as rain! Yes it was. I am really digging this Everett AS. It starts out a bit green, but not real heavy. And it seems to morph a bit during the dry down. I really can’t describe it, but I dig it. The post shave feel was great and I think that is more the soap than the AS. A great shave indeed and I am ready for the weekend. Life is good.