The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Prepared Update from Dave and Sharon

Irony has a funny way of inserting itself. Many of you saw me "re-appear" and then "disappear" again. Well 2021 was not quite through with us yet at the "Ranch Del Eisenhuth"!!!!

as listed above, and for those that do not follow my business or facebook page..... A little story......

Just when you think things are looking brighter, you have a Zen porch, Sharon is moving forward, the healing is beginning, the Good Lord Humbles us again by giving us a punch in the old manbag. Anywho on or about May 17th Sharon and I were starting our day looking forward to going our and reviewing turf for the finishing touches of our "Zen" area. It should be noted that I had spent the previous weekend repairing fencing that meth heads had torn down to gain access of my mother in laws burnt house for stuff. Yep cops, helicopters, guns, and the like. Anyway this may play a part in the story later so keep up.

About 11:00 am on that wonderful Mid May day i was litterally taken to my knees by a pain that I have only felt once, long ago when I had a previous back surgery. It was literally was as if someone lit my leg on fire and was trying to peel my kneecap off with a pike pole. Hmmm this is not right. Remember the Fencing? well I had been using a post hole digger and a ramrod, so maybe it was just a mild form of Sciatica....... NOPE! Not to mention I did kick down a door to a burning home a few months back ( read above)... Or could it be 8000 jumps from aircraft that were completely fine, and at various altitudes with bad shoes? Actually we will never know..... But I digress.

That night was spent AWAKE in agony until about 4;30 am when we skipped off to the Emergency room , where I would spend the next 14 hours ( 8 of which on a waiting room couch in the fetal position ( the only position that kept me from killing someone, as they had NO Beds. Finally a bed, and MRI and sweet Jesus, Thank YOU MORPHINE.

At this point it was about to be the Memorial Day Weekend and the PA at the hospital did not think anything was critical to admit me, although from T-12 through L4 was a mess of nerve compressions, disc herniation, bulges and debris.
"But let's just send you home until you can see your doctor"
"Are you %^$ING Kidding me?"

So off they packed me with 3 days of pain killers, 3 days of Pregnisone a walker, since I could not and still cannot stand or walk without it, much to @CVargo 's delight, and the hopes of getting into see my nuerosurgeon. HAHA you guessed it no appointments till the day after Memorial Day. It is amazing when you are in such pain how well you can ration pain meds...... Anyway barely made it to that day and as expected Off to Spinal Surgical Jail.

Fortunately my Nuerosurgeon is also apparently a Swami, as he had predicted this 11 yrs ago as I sat in his office from a follow up appointment to my Cervical Spinal Fusion in 2009 and my Lumbar Laminectomy some yrs earlier. Can you hear that song "Here we go Again"... I digress yet again.

Luckily I was able to get scheduled for surgery on 6/16 to continue the quest to have a Borg Spine before I die. 4-6 weeks recovery and I can mail the walker to Chad with a big fat bow.

So there you have it, luckily this time I was sent home with enough pain killers to get me to the surgical date, and although Chad wants Sharon to get a photo of me in a robe, using the walker, it will not happen, sorry @CVargo

I will say however shaving while sitting on a guitar stool is rather interesting, I tried it using the walker to steady myself and that did not end well, so shaving like Killroy in the mirror will have to do and DE only.

So there is the update from the TSC Owner Ghost. Sorry for my absence, and Thanks to all of you whom have sent well wishes for this last couple of months. You are truly cadre and know that Sharon and I appreciate you each and every day.

To put in a picture how my last couple of weeks and months have gone I will just leave this......... It describes it PERFECTLY!

Sorry to hear of your continued troubles..
Glad you got an appointment scheduled..
Here is wishing for your speedy recovery..
Really sorry that things are rough again Dave. Stick with will get there. You and Sharon are continuously in my thoughts!
Don't worry Dave... your new walker is enroute!

Inflatable Over the Hill Walker
So sorry to hear about the spine Dave - definitely one of those "when it rains it pours."

Best of luck with the surgery, looking forward to a guitar stool DE shave video (hopefully) and a speedy recovery after!