The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Prepared Update from Dave and Sharon

Grace and peace Barber Dave, Sharon, and all those grieving Beverly's loss. We miss you, Dave, and look forward to your return when the time is right.
Dave you did all you could do and I'm glad you had firefighting experience because many can't understand that if they enter a building they won't get out. My prayers are with you and your wife.
Had a good talk with Dave the other day. The services where very well done even with a virtual component. Dave did get back to the barbershop and felt good to do something normal. In his spare time he's focused on Sharon as well as helping navigate everything related to probate. Sharon is doing as well as expected. It's never easy to lose a parent.

They want to thank the Cadre for the continued support and prayers.

Dave advised he is hoping to join tomorrow's zoom call and to also be back on the cadre soon.
Had a good talk with Dave the other day. The services where very well done even with a virtual component. Dave did get back to the barbershop and felt good to do something normal. In his spare time he's focused on Sharon as well as helping navigate everything related to probate. Sharon is doing as well as expected. It's never easy to lose a parent.

They want to thank the Cadre for the continued support and prayers.

Dave advised he is hoping to join tomorrow's zoom call and to also be back on the cadre soon.
All our continued best to his family and him
Good Day Everyone, The ghost is back, maybe not quite in full force as of yet, but slowly.. Have a TON of stuff to get caught up on. Most importantly, myself and Sharon want to give our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of the Cadre for your thoughts, wishes, prayers, food, and support during this time. This WAS and IS a tought one. No one ever thinks that a loved one will perish this way.... It only happens in the "Movies" right? The complicating factor and a detriment in our recovery, is a double edged sword. We are both very very proud of both being firefighter/Paramedics. It is a brotherhood/Sisterhood very similar to a "Cadre" and once a Smoke Eater, always a smoke eater.. This is where the rub is..... It is also hampering our healing as we know Fire Science, and the numbers and even now we question what we could have done to either prevent, or save Beverly. Logic and Experience dictates that we KNOW that nothing else could have been done. We lacked the proper equipment of Turnout gear, SCBA, and fire Vision optics to do more, although our instinct and my stupidity forced me to make entry, only to have my former fire boss... and current boss to grab me before I became a victim, and then the reverse when she wanted to go in. Furthering matters also had us in contact with our former colleagues whom were just mere recruits when we were a part of Golder Ranch Fire Dept, and now were Captains and above. Them, having to tell us of Beverly's ultimate passing, was I am sure hard on them as well, since they had to go through the motions of what we already knew.

Anyway I am rambling, but in a way this is therapy in itself. We are both going to speak to professionals as we are still feeling the Symptoms of PTSD and just talking to each other has the tendency to just re-hash the situation and ponder what we could have done. I have confidence in my faith, and the time we spent with Chad, Megan, Kyle, Stacy, and the kids was therapy beyond helpful. WE NEEDED THAT TIME.

So a very SPECIAL THANK YOU to @CVargo , @uacowboy , @mvargo , @sunnysanity for opening up your happy vacation to a pair of depressed Vagabonds searching for Solice. It meant so much.

Also to the Cadre..... You are truly Family and we can never thank you enough for your support. I will not belabor the point, but felt it was important that I wrote in my own words important The Cadre and ALL of you are to me, not only during this tough time, but ALWAYS. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that three guys could make this a reality.

So, as I merge back into the forum, I am excited to re-connect with ALL of you.

Good News is the Sunday Zooms will be back very soon

Take care, and Thank YOU.... from both of us
Thank you for the update. We're keeping you and Sharon in prayer, my friend, and if there is anything at all I can do you know you are welcome to reach out anytime.
Tabac Tuesday just got a little more special. Good to hear from you buddy.
Thanks Fluff, Tabac is certainly awesome for sure
Brother as you know always here for you and Sharon and my phone is always on. Love you both and happy to have you back on the cadre.
Thanks Brother
Don't be a Tabac hater it is great stuff, grandmas, Cigars, Ashtrays and roses, what could be better..... Oh thats right.. The Veg!!!
Thanks Dave for the update. But you have it wrong...we are more than just a Cadre...we are family.
So true my brother
Darn tootin, missed seeing you guys around!
Thanks Matt, good to be back
Happy to have you back.
Thanks Gerry! Missed you guys
Thank you for the update. We're keeping you and Sharon in prayer, my friend, and if there is anything at all I can do you know you are welcome to reach out anytime.
Thanks Eric, Glad you are getting back on more often, looking forward to you starting the brushes again
Good to see you pop back in Dave!
Thanks Chris, Hope all is well
I can’t add much to what has already been said… ditto Babadebbit and Sharon. Keeping you close to our hearts.