The Shaving Cadre

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On the razors edge with Galaktus

May 25:
Webet PH
Ladas SS (4)
Wilkinson stick (8)
Bruce brush
Blue Steel aftershave mix

Great shave, had to do some buffing on my neck so I'm done with the Ladas SS blade after 4 uses.
The Wilkie stick is about 1/4 or so of a stick, left over after making a twist up stick container from two full shave sticks. I have it in my plastic salsa bowl. I used a soldering iron to make doodles in the bottom to give soaps something to adhere to.
The Blue Steel aftershave mix that Spider recommended was a pleasant surprise. I also made a 50/50 mix with Florida Water and Skin Bracer, I'll try that tomorrow. I'm out of Clubman Lime Sec, some is on the way, but I'd be interested to try that with Florida Water as well.
Late to the game as I’ve been distracted by life. Welcome to the Cadre! I hope you find i5 as enjoyable as we all do!
Late to the game as I’ve been distracted by life. Welcome to the Cadre! I hope you find i5 as enjoyable as we all do!
I do! I find myself going less and less to the other neighborhood. The only rooms I go to there are 365 days of shaving and 3017.
Haha, you should melt 3017 or Bottomed Out, so you'll see that when you finish a soap. Wish I had thought about that when I did mine.
I face lather too, whether I'm using a shave stick or not. But your soap pucks have to go somewhere, and like the wider salsa bowl versus soap containers. I always seem to be wiping protolather from my soap containers.
I face lather too, whether I'm using a shave stick or not. But your soap pucks have to go somewhere, and like the wider salsa bowl versus soap containers. I always seem to be wiping protolather from my soap containers.
I put the proto lather on before lathering and rinse the tub clean before putting away.
Exactly as I do. Protolather on face with mostly dry brush, then dip tips into water to build face lather.
May 26, 2020:
Game Changer 84 OC, Super Knurl handle
Lord Platinum (1)
Wilkinson stick (9)
Razorock Bruce brush
Lustray Blue Spice

The GC OC has a lot more blade feel than the Weber. One barely weeping weeper, more like a red spot on my jawline.
I’ve got the .84 GC OC too. It’s a bit much for me some times. May try to see if someone wants to trade for a .68 OC plate.
Mar 27, 2020:
Game Changer 84 OC
Lord Platinum (2)
Palmolive Lather (18)
Maggards 18mm synthetic brush
Skin Bracer/Florida Water mix

Yesterday's shave was about 3 pm. I work mostly nights. Got off work at 6, shaved about 6:30 am.
Didn't have a whole lot of stubble, but shaved anyway. Gave lathered with Palmolive Lather and that tiny Maggards 18mm synthetic brush. Amazingly, I had enough for my usual two full passes and two extra neck passes. I was pleasantly surprised by the performance of that small brush.
May 28, 2020:
Game Changer 84 OC
Lord Platinum (3)
Wilkinson stick (10)
Starcraft brush
Clubman Lime Sec

Great shave. The GC OC 84 has a lot of blade feel. Not sure if I would use it for and every day razor, as opposed to a rotation for a few days.

Headed out in about an hour to get some motorcycle time in. And some cold beer somewhere along the way, lol. Only one or two, I know my limit. They'll go down quite nicely in the heat, supposed to be 90 degrees today.