The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Shaving World

“It lowers your resistance…a lot.” 😂

Yea I don’t watch as religiously as I did. But when I’m tagged I try to give a viewing. Thanks for the kind words and shout out!

Nice job! You’ll be worked up to a full 3 passes with the Pro in no time!

I’ve stopped using alum after every shave, only bringing it out if I get a cut now. Usually just witch hazel blend, AS, a little moisturizer, and then my frag.
This is how I looked trying to do a shave with a semi-straight razor. Its like I can't get my own arms and hands to cooperate and get out of the way or line up with my face. After 40 years of shaving, it was disconcerting, to say the least. Glad you made it through but there were several moments where I was ready to cover my eyes.

Also, thanks for the sorta shout out. when can I get a shirt?
ROFL. I think I threw up a little
Zest vs Rind. Zest the top layer of the fruits skin. Rind includes the pithy part. More pungent
The word you’re looking for is “pewter” Dave…pewter.

Yea it don’t take much to keep the shave stuff lookin decent! I just wipe em down with a microfiber every now and then 😎👍