The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

I had a guy working for me a few years back who was struggling with kidney stones.

His wife took him to the express care one night in a particular fit of pain.

After a number of exams and consults from members of all female staff on duty that evening, he was sent on his way with a funnel, filter papers and told to keep drinking water and it will pass.

He hobbled into work late the next day complaining about how insensitive his wife was about his whining over the pain level he still had on the ride home and being advised to just drink more water. Her comments were something like, “You want ME to feel sorry for YOU after you just had 3 different women with your ‘ahem’ in their hand? Uh, I don’t think so!

It took me a while to stop laughing when he told me that.