2031 days of consecutive shaving - 896 open-blade
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Central Texas Soaps Weekend Rodeo
Sorrentino Blond Vixen
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Prorasso Mint and Rosemary talc
Tom Ford Tuscan Leather
What a week. Today I get some breathing room, but it's been packed solid. I did get two cobb salads through the course of the week though. Today I might even take a stroll to Costco. I went cold turkey on the pistachios from there but then got hooked again. The salt certainly isn't good for my kidney stones, so I've had the concession to not pop the whole thing in my mouth to suck the salt off before cracking it in half with my teeth. I might even be hooked harder than before with contemplating a few bags for the office.
Meanwhile, my wife's company recently has become a major sponsor of an F1 team. Today at a town hall meeting there I guess someone asked how they could get access to F1 merch. I'm just putting out a fair warning that I'm not above shanking a dude over a hat.
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