The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Good shave!

One more week of school for our kids, then it’s full blown summer craziness. I imagine my wife will let them go crazy at the park across the street most of the day, to keep em from going stir crazy...and herself from just going crazy lol.

Enjoy the visit with the parents!
I really wanted to like Razor Master. I think they are a solid soap, but unfortunately, nothing special. Glad you had a good experience with it .
Enjoy the extended family and the graduation celebration Dave!
Good shave!

One more week of school for our kids, then it’s full blown summer craziness. I imagine my wife will let them go crazy at the park across the street most of the day, to keep em from going stir crazy...and herself from just going crazy lol.

Enjoy the visit with the parents!
I really wanted to like Razor Master. I think they are a solid soap, but unfortunately, nothing special. Glad you had a good experience with it .
Man oh man, lots for me to catch up on, but caught up I am. Nice soap reviews!
Nice shave and review. Have fun at the graduation.
Love the pics of your home man! Table is really cool. Have fun at graduation!
Nice soap reviews Dave, and I love the pics of the cellar!
Thank you brothers
2018 shave #160 (DE:35 SE:55 Str:68 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Tallow & Steel Himalaya and Tallow & Steel Boreal
RazoRock synthetic 24mm
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Penhaligon's Malabah

Tallow & Steel is an excellent example of NOT cruise line scents. These dudes were 5/5 for scent in the tub. Both very complex and off in their own wheelhouse. They also show the risk a company takes in doing that. Lathering them was a piece of cake and I would say they made good, but average lather. Decently creamy, but nothing to stand out past other good performing soaps. The SOS for Himalaya stayed at 5/5 on lathering. But Boreal cranked it up to 6 out of 5. That stuff was in your face and up your nose. Which is awesome if you love and if you don't you won't want to touch the stuff.

Himalaya was a deep, rich scent, but had an under-note of Night Music from B&M in it which to me smells like a messy diaper. I couldn't get past that. Performance was good. I would say average cushion with a better than average slickness that didn't reach top performer levels. Boreal's scent was....interesting. I really liked it in the sample, but looking up the description I think it's a very dark and earth amber that takes over the scent profile. I like amber, but probably a brighter note. It could have use more of the "crisp autumn air" for me. Performance was similar. These are exactly the soaps I'm looking for, but just not the scents. Good to better than average perf
ormance with a scent strength that doesn't leave you concentrating trying to smell it.

Parents made it, I would say with no issues, but they had one little story to tell. On their drive yesterday, out in the middle of nowhere with wide open highway, my dad got pulled over by a cop that had been going the opposite direction on a divided highway. He got pulled for speeding.....wait for it.......5 miles over the limit! Now, I'm sure some of you live where the police are pretty strict on speeding. But this is California. The highway the goes through our city has a limit of 65, standard speed is 75 and the highway patrol has told people as long as you're not going over 80, you're fine. So this was one bored cop. Luckily it was just a warning and they were able to go along their way and see him pull over someone else just miles down the road.
Another good shave! I agree about the T&S scent strength. I’ve tried the West Indies soap and it is hands down the strongest scented soap I’ve used yet, powerfully herb-y and in your face!

Glad the folks made it safely.
Nice T&S soap reviews. Funny about the timing, as I have samples from them en route, of scents I haven't tried from them yet. I actually blind bought a full tub of their Himalaya about a year ago and rued that decision. That is one scent that I did not care for one bit! But I actually found the performance good, with the water at my house.
Very good review of the T&S soaps Dave. Their scents never really intrigued me enough to try them out.
Sorry you didn't enjoy T&S more than you did. I absolutely love the stuff. In my opinion T&S is a soap you need to use a few times, but if you don't dig the scent...oh well then. T&S has great post shave feel, but if you use over and over, that is where the benefit lies. Ow well, everybody likes what they like. Great shave nonetheless!
Sorry you didn't enjoy T&S more than you did. I absolutely love the stuff. In my opinion T&S is a soap you need to use a few times, but if you don't dig the scent...oh well then. T&S has great post shave feel, but if you use over and over, that is where the benefit lies. Ow well, everybody likes what they like. Great shave nonetheless!
They interest me enough because of their strength that I might try a couple more of the scents even though from the sample I’m not sure they are for me.
I have heard that T&S are good performers, but none of their scent descriptions reached out and grabbed me. From reading them, Maya sounded the most interesting to me, but not enough to buy over others.
WOW I'm was way behind Dave!

Great reviews and shaves! The wine room looks great!