The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Nice shave today Dave! Stinks about the Ogallala cologne...I have a couple on hand like that.
Wow, have I missed a lot - but caught up now! I know exactly what you mean about the time constraint on posting!....all I can say right now is, it’s been a great read!
Great shave. Too bad the Ogallala didn't last longer.
Just catching up and some nice shaves.

I share Chris's opinions on leasing but leasing works well for my situation. We tend to drive less than the typical 10-12K/year marker for leases. And we don't like the long term maintenance for keeping a car. From our experiences, after the dealership warranty ends, the car always ends up having some kind of issue. You calculate the cost of the financing + maintenance upkeep, we felt like things almost netted out even.

Plus, it allows us to drive a new car every 3/4 years which is nice.
Nice shave today Dave! Stinks about the Ogallala cologne...I have a couple on hand like that.
But it's all good with some Sudsy Soapery!
Thanks for taking the time guys. I was surprised about the Ogallala. I'll have to say once I got to work, I never smelled a hint of it. That's ok, I can always use the space.
2018 shave #138 (DE:25 SE:44 Str:66 Cart:2)

Parker 76R w/ Israeli Personna (2)
PdP 63
Plission 24mm in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Nameless my Mark Buxton

It's funny, like most ya'll I have more than enough soap to last until I don't need to shave any more, but there are still some that I see and think "That's too nice to use". Silly. So I pulled out the ole PdP 63. Lovely, easy lather as per usual and super easy to load on the brush from the puck. I really wanted to try my frame back to see if I could get the same performance as I have from the Weck, but made the smart choice and let my little gash heal up for another day. Nice easy shave, though I think
I'm getting to the point where I'd be okay not using DE razors any more. I much prefer the AC blades. Nice simple shave that I didn't push too far so ended up with DFS+ with just a couple of spots on the jaw line not BBS.

Over the last year my wife has been slowly transitioning from supporting one executive assistant to another. Her new boss is much more client faced and has some major global events that she'll be traveling to. I don't like the travel much, but I know she misses it. In what might be called the high of her career, before I met her, she supported the CEO of HP and I heard stories of world-wide travel on the corporate jet and 4-star hotels on a regular basis. So I need to be understanding and hopefully it won't be more than 3-4 trips a year. Anyway, we had a short visit planned to visit family in June, that now is replaced by a business trip to D.C. Since I already had the time off, she was able to shuffle things around so I could go with her. We'll get a day to see sights together and then I'll have a couple more to go places I know wouldn't interest her. Last time I was there was in grade school, so I'm really looking forward to it.
Good shave Dave!

Bummer about having to nix the family visit, but it’s pretty cool that the missus could bring you as carryon luggage on the DC trip! I went there one time, also in my earlier years. It is a wonderful experience! I could probably spend a week just in the Mall area and Smithsonian.
Good shave Dave!

Bummer about having to nix the family visit, but it’s pretty cool that the missus could bring you as carryon luggage on the DC trip! I went there one time, also in my earlier years. It is a wonderful experience! I could probably spend a week just in the Mall area and Smithsonian.
Nice shave today.

I hope that the travel thing works out for the two of you.

Thanks guys. That's true Chris. I remember going to the Air & Space museum as a kid when we lived in Penn. I only got through half of it one day and we had to go back to finish.
Nice shave today...I guess it's a mixed bag with the travel, though it's always a bummer when plans get changed due to work.
I have a client that recently visited D.C.. He did it on a weekend and LOVED how easy it was to get around compared to during the week. I haven't been since high school, I don't know that i truly care whether I go again. I would prefer to arrange a trip to Yellowstone, that was a fun trip. There is a Moose story that goes along with that trip, I think Chad and Dave have heard it. I would be ok if I went back and didn't have a similar moose story to tell afterward.
DC is a great place for a history buff. I had a great time as a kid. And I definitely want to get back. But like Chris I do prefer Yellowstone. I am sure you will have a great time in DC though. Say hi to Trump for us. LOL
Have fun on the trip! If you can, get a nice bowl of pho. One of the better cities to have the noodle dish in the US.
Nice shave today...I guess it's a mixed bag with the travel, though it's always a bummer when plans get changed due to work.
I have a client that recently visited D.C.. He did it on a weekend and LOVED how easy it was to get around compared to during the week. I haven't been since high school, I don't know that i truly care whether I go again. I would prefer to arrange a trip to Yellowstone, that was a fun trip. There is a Moose story that goes along with that trip, I think Chad and Dave have heard it. I would be ok if I went back and didn't have a similar moose story to tell afterward.
DC is a great place for a history buff. I had a great time as a kid. And I definitely want to get back. But like Chris I do prefer Yellowstone. I am sure you will have a great time in DC though. Say hi to Trump for us. LOL
Have fun on the trip! If you can, get a nice bowl of pho. One of the better cities to have the noodle dish in the US.

Thanks guys. I probably wouldn't have planned to go here as a vacation choice. But should be good to get a little dose of history and massive buildings.
2018 shave #139 (DE:26 SE:44 Str:66 Cart:2)

Parker 76R w/ Israeli Personna (3)
Sapone di Paolo Terroso
Plission 24mm in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm

I was planning on using the a straight this morning, but I woke up late. It was a rough night. I vaguely remember visions of a man with a mustache with a leather apron laughing at me while he pulled bingo numbers that were on my card, but not on a diagonal. All the while I smelled peppermint and could hear the chirping of chickens from a distant mini van.

So, basic shave this morning. Planning on a straight in the near future, I was nice to my face. I have two different versions of my 3rd p
ass on my neck. One can leave little to no alum burn, but is 50/50 for BBS or DFS+ without clean-up. The other is almost guarantee of a BBS but also alum burn. I went with the first today, but was rewarded with BBS.

For those of you playing along, we lost some appliances in a power surge last month. Finally got our money and I was able to order a replacement wine fridge. I added money to what we had gotten and got the wife's approval to order a nice tall one with double the capacity of the two medium size ones that blew. Should be here in a couple of weeks! Last issue from that to deal with is the garage door opener. It works from the wired button, but none of the remotes or cars, so I'll just replace it. I don't have any experience in installing or anything with them, but it can't be too hard. Right???
Nice Read Dave, glad I can infect your dreams....... Wait till tonight. Nice shave
Nice shave.

My wife and I installed our current garage door opener ourselves. It wasn't too hard.
Basic shaves are better than bloodbaths!

I was planning on using the a straight this morning, but I woke up late. It was a rough night. I vaguely remember visions of a man with a mustache with a leather apron laughing at me while he pulled bingo numbers that were on my card, but not on a diagonal. All the while I smelled peppermint and could hear the chirping of chickens from a distant mini van.

Lmao! Too funny.

Good luck with the repairs. For some reason scenes from The Money Pit are playing in my brain right now...
"Can't be too hard" is something I say often ...right before spending 3 days on the project. My wife has learned that if i say it should take and hour, she figures on 3-4. But really, if you are just replacing an opener the job is pretty easy so long as the mounts are somewhat similar. Put it all together, lift the end that doesn't have the motor into position and place the pin/bolt but leave loose, lift the motor into place and attach to existing brackets. It is very helpful to test fit the motor end before you put it all together. Make any modifications to the mounting brackets at that time so you can really just lift and attach.

It will be fun.
Garage fix SHOULD keyword SHOULD be easy. I suspect 90 minutes.