The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Great shave and picture Dave!

Oh and I somehow missed the yard picture, Great job!
First of all...great shave journal! I'm really enjoying the reads.

Your yard...way better than I thought .I mean, that turned out really nice!
LOL, thank you! No doubt it would be better with some plants, but for now I don't have to worry about it being a yard of weeds.
Nice shave. If you are getting that much irritation, maybe you are over stretching.
What??? First I have to learn about no pressure shaving and now you're telling me that there are degrees of stretching? Just kidding. Maybe so. I know going into a shave like that it's going to sting after, so it's a rarity. I'm sure I'm shaving below the surface for it to be that smooth for that long.
Yesterday's shave:

2018 shave #131 (DE:23 SE:42 Str:63 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Shannon's Forest City Fern
RazoRock 24mm synthetic
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Penhaligon's English Fern

Delayed entry, more later.

I found the samples from Sir Quijote and set them in the bathroom so I could get to them. This one smelled great from the sample. I have never heard of Shannon's and need to look it up. Just like Napa's wineries, no matter how much you read and research about them, there seem to always be more artisan soap makers that you haven't heard of. This didn't lather like most other soaps. Instead of the standard progression from fluffy, to cream to usable, this soap was shiny wet looking the whole time. It made me a little worried about the performance, but it was great. Nice and slick and gave a great shave. Just because I already have two fern scents in the soap library I probably wouldn't get this one, but I want to learn more about Shannon's for sure.

We have two cats at home. Though they are sisters from the same litter, one of them sheds more and as a results has hairballs from time to time. Well we were finding things to clean up daily for about three days in a row, and then the Tuesday she started howling as though something was outside getting her riled up, but she was hiding under chairs while doing so and not wanting her sister around. I was worried this meant she was in pain and she didn't seem to be eating or drinking much. She woke us up at 5am doing it again so we were prepared to take her to the vet. Long story short, I worked from home to take her and she slowly seemed to return to herself. So all seems good now and no trip to the vet, but I didn't get online much. Made me start thinking. I'm very much about the circle of life and every creature comes and goes, but these are the first pets for the kids and are pretty attached to us. They are only 5 year old, so they have a lot of time left, but oh boy it'll hit the girls hard when something happens to them.
2018 shave #132 (DE:23 SE:43 Str:63 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (4)
K Shave Worx Beachwood Forest
RazoRock 24mm synthetic
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto

Another sample from Don. I wanted to try this due to the scent strength, but the scent wasn't totally in my wheel house. It was more an expanding my horizons type of thing. Now I have to say, I can't argue with the soap makers experiences, but all I get from this soap is the smell of pine needles. Not sappy ones, but thin young ones. Again, it's very pleasant, just not something I would normally pick. I can also say I can't tell you what a Beechwood tree smells like, but I know it has leaves, not needles. BUT, this is also named BeAchwood, so I guess they get creative license from that.

It lathered up nicely and did have great SOS. Good performer and I'd certainly buy based on that. Now, here is were things get interesting. I was going to use a different scent after my shave, but I noticed that I could still smell the soap after all my post-shave routine. For me that's pretty rare. I think I only really remember that with Nuavia. So I switched gears and went for the Wholly Kaw because it's a touch more peppery to me than Penhaligon's. The story doesn't end there. Now were out about 45min post shave, after application of an AS and I'm still getting a little whiff of the soap from time to time. Now I can't remember that happening with any other K Shave Worx soap, but it's very intriguing to me. Of course, this soap is no longer on their website though. But it does have me interesting in maybe trying more of their soaps. Vague recollection has me thinking that the ones I've tried in the past have been ok performers, but not stand outs. I'm getting SAD flare up though....
Nice couple of shaves there. Good news on the pets more than animals in the house but members of the family in their own right. We're going to have the same issue with our animals as they start to get older, especially when it comes to my youngest.
I’m with you guys too on the pets. My wife and I have always been dog people, so when we started our own family and got into a place where we were ready to grow it, thoughts of pets were right there along side of children.

Our boys have not had a single day of living where they have been without a pet in the home, specifically our dogs. We have two dogs, the oldest is about the same age as my oldest son (around 12) so that time of loss is swiftly approaching. Barring any serious, sudden family losses (heaven forbid) it will be our boys’ first time having to deal with mortality and that kind of loss. Not looking forward to it!
Great reads! Glad the cat is okay. I echo Josh's sentiments. Pets don't remain pets for long and become members of the family. We lost one of our weenie dogs around Thanksgiving and my wife still gets sad from time to time of the loss of Lucy. We have another weenie dog, Chauncey, who is about nine years old. When it comes his is not going to be good for both my wife and I. He really is like a child to us. Enjoy them while they are here.
Good shaves and reads.

I hope that your fuzzy family members remain happy and healthy for years to come.
Good stuff Dave. I have always had cats. I had one live to be 19. So a couple things that could be happening, mind you I am obviously not an expert. But I do have a cat now that likes to howl/whine like that.

1. Do you let her outside? If yes, perhaps another cat is trying to enter her territory, she could even be smelling a tom cat that is coming near and walking around your property.

2. Worth taking her in to be checked out because kidney infections are VERY common in felines and that could be it. Has her litter box had a stronger than normal smell? Think ammonia. Easily treated if this is the case.

3. Do you have a rodent in the house? Cats like to hunt, and if they make a kill or missed a kill they will sometimes do these sounds. Our current cat who we do not let outside, when we first moved in we had a mouse sneak in through the garage, ever since she caught that mouse, she takes her toys and will lay them at our feet and start howling that meow. This meow also tends to happen at 2 AM, because she wants to play in the middle of the night! Don't forget cats are nocturnal.

4. Is she spayed? It is spring LOL.

5 years is VERY young, there should be a LOT of life left in the sisters.
Great couple of reads, reviews, and shaves Dave!

Glad the cat is okay! We currently have a cat and a dog. We've had a cat or two every since I started dating SWMBO, the cat came with her. This is cat #3 with us and dog #1. I was never a cat person, until it was forced upon me. I had had several dogs in the past, but I lived in the country and they were outside dogs. That is not the case now.
Growing up on a farm I guess my attitude is just a little different. Animals die, that's just the way it is. I did miss the 1st cat when he died, the 2nd cat, nope can't say that I did, she was not friendly toward me. This cat and the dog? Time will tell I guess.
2018 shave #133 (DE:23 SE:44 Str:63 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Strop Shoppe London Morning
Shawshank Redemption custom
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm

A couple of comments first my brothers. First, thank you all for your responses about pets. All very true, they are more than pets and work a place into the family for sure. Also, can I say it's getting more difficult to stay up with all the journals. Which I think is AWESOME! I just means this site is gathering more steam quickly. I find I'm responding less than usual because I'm using more of my time reading all the entries, but I appreciate that everyone is willing to take the time to share.

This summer I made my first trip to Europe and absolutely loved London. I have been to several places that I really enjoyed and would love to go back, but doubt I will because there still so much out there to see. But London I will defiantly get back to. Saw this soap this morning and I had a London shave finished with a EdP only available there.
London is a fun city. Went there as a kid. We spent two weeks in the surrounding areas. A majority of our trip was to get to Scotland to see where my mom was born. Fun times and beautiful.
Great read Dave...I have yet to do any traveling in Europe, but London is on the visit list, along with Newcastle. (HWTL!)

Love seeing the unobtanium used!
Good shave, cool trip! It’s sad, but I’ve yet to travel anywhere outside the of these days I hope!
Caught up on some excellent shaves, Dave! As a fellow RX brother, I will say I don't do a lot of skin stretching with my hands, but I do puff out my cheeks and use some aggressive head leans to keep things tight.

Reading about your cat reminds me a lot of one of out cats. She was our only cat, a short-hair calico, until we adopted a male medium-hair kitten when she was about 6 months old. Shortly after he arrived, maybe about 3 months in, she started puking regularly. Apparently she grooms him a lot, but also likes to eat the hair that he sheds, which can cause a plug to form in her stomach, according to the vet. Hopefully your cat stays on the mend, but if you have any further concerns a vet visit could bring you a lot of peace of mind.