The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

New Horizons in Shaving

I would say that's pretty unusual to hear about SV. It usually easily explodes into some rich lather. The only reason I don't use them more is the required blooming.

That's kind of what I figured, and if I were doing a normal DE shave it probably would have been ok. It did seem great my first few strokes, I probably took it out of the water band.
Had a couple of great shaves this weekend, I started to get a little better feel of the touch with the straight and had my best two shaves so far this weekend.


This was my first ever try of Grooming Dept, and I've got to say what aa great soap. I was really hoping I wouldn't like it, but even after one try, this was elite level soap for me. Shame it's such a PIA to get ahold of.


It was our 7th wedding anniversary yesterday. In all the time I've known my wife she's never had any perfume. I fixed that and bought her a bottle of Comme des Garçons David Jones. It was a hit!
Congratulations on the 7yrs, a nice bottle of perfume is a great way to celebrate. With all the focus on our aftershave and cologne it’s easy to forget our ladies like to smell good ....while wearing lovely jewelry of course.
Congratulations on the 7yrs, a nice bottle of perfume is a great way to celebrate. With all the focus on our aftershave and cologne it’s easy to forget our ladies like to smell good ....while wearing lovely jewelry of course.

Living in the city, it's easy for us to go to events. I'm a big ballet fan, and one of the things I always notice when we go is the smell of the various perfumes ladies are wearing, and that I really enjoy it myself. My wife is unawarely funky, so the David Jones was a great choice for her, I think I enjoyed it as much as she did.
Had a couple of great shaves this weekend, I started to get a little better feel of the touch with the straight and had my best two shaves so far this weekend.

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This was my first ever try of Grooming Dept, and I've got to say what aa great soap. I was really hoping I wouldn't like it, but even after one try, this was elite level soap for me. Shame it's such a PIA to get ahold of.


It was our 7th wedding anniversary yesterday. In all the time I've known my wife she's never had any perfume. I fixed that and bought her a bottle of Comme des Garçons David Jones. It was a hit!
Happy anniversary!
Thanks for the anniversary wishes all! I got pretty lucky finding Helena. :)

Today I used Cold River Soap Works Glide formula, on loan from Kalle.

Well this soap was far better than expected, in fact this was my best straight shave yet by a long shot.

I still find that I'll have nice momentum going, and then an on the face changes and I totally loose it and it takes a bit to find it again. At least I didn't feel like I had to fight the soap. This was probably not the time to do this soap swap in that regards, but hey.
I generally get that loss of momentum really bad on my left neck, again the reduced mobility of that elbow makes it a bit harder anyway, and though I can now get my whole left side with my left hand, it feels different and sometimes I just get stuck. My loose rule is give it a few seconds try again a couple of times and if it just isn't happening then wrap up the shave.

I did adopt one of HandlebarberDave's tips, and for at least this week I'm really doing the full first pass with a DE. The reason for this is the above. Doing it that way makes the first pass faster, leaving more time to work through those sticking points.


Now that same elbow is also a PIA in the gym. The last few months I've rolled my bench press way back and in so doing sort of found my way of pressing. In the past when I get past a certain amount of weight I'd get a kind of grinding feeling in the joint itself, and figure it's not really good long term. Part of why I rolled the weight back in the first place and started doing more bodybuilding type workouts.

Well this cycle I moved bench back up in my workout to see what would happen when I approach the weight that causes the grinding. I hit it today, and thanks to figuring out a few technical points with the lift am happy to say no grinding at all. The adjustments I made were all small, the type of things you can only figure out by doing it enough, but they, fingers crossed, really made a difference.

Ok, that's it for today. Thanks to all who take the time to read this. I really wish I had more time to spend with you alls journals, I try to hit a few every week. I really enjoy this place, and if I'm not reading, it's not because I don't love you all. :)
I need to start watching Dave's videos from the beginning again. There are some fine tips in there.

Strong work with your fitness. Keep up the hard work.
Eww joint grinding. That just sounds painful. Glad you’re working through it.

No worries about keeping up more. We’ll only judge you a little bit. :p
Thanks for the anniversary wishes all! I got pretty lucky finding Helena. :)

Today I used Cold River Soap Works Glide formula, on loan from Kalle.

Well this soap was far better than expected, in fact this was my best straight shave yet by a long shot.

I still find that I'll have nice momentum going, and then an on the face changes and I totally loose it and it takes a bit to find it again. At least I didn't feel like I had to fight the soap. This was probably not the time to do this soap swap in that regards, but hey.
I generally get that loss of momentum really bad on my left neck, again the reduced mobility of that elbow makes it a bit harder anyway, and though I can now get my whole left side with my left hand, it feels different and sometimes I just get stuck. My loose rule is give it a few seconds try again a couple of times and if it just isn't happening then wrap up the shave.

I did adopt one of HandlebarberDave's tips, and for at least this week I'm really doing the full first pass with a DE. The reason for this is the above. Doing it that way makes the first pass faster, leaving more time to work through those sticking points.


Now that same elbow is also a PIA in the gym. The last few months I've rolled my bench press way back and in so doing sort of found my way of pressing. In the past when I get past a certain amount of weight I'd get a kind of grinding feeling in the joint itself, and figure it's not really good long term. Part of why I rolled the weight back in the first place and started doing more bodybuilding type workouts.
Well this cycle I moved bench back up in my workout to see what would happen when I approach the weight that causes the grinding. I hit it today, and thanks to figuring out a few technical points with the lift am happy to say no grinding at all. The adjustments I made were all small, the type of things you can only figure out by doing it enough, but they, fingers crossed, really made a difference.

Ok, that's it for today. Thanks to all who take the time to read this. I really wish I had more time to spend with you alls journals, I try to hit a few every week. I really enjoy this place, and if I'm not reading, it's not because I don't love you all. :)
It's because of that Bingo caller, who's keeping you busy :ROFLMAO:
Well I think @HandleBarberDave was right on using the DE for the full first pass. I've started making forward progress again, and think I'll keep it up for at least another week. I'm getting the full pass done now before the soap dries, and having better results overall. The main thing is I'm starting to find the right pattern for the shave the neck in particular, which is almost the opposite of how I started. The concept of finding a rhythm and flow was such a great one, and doing the first pass with a DE is letting that happen.

Now that it's warm out, I'm on and A&E SoCal Hipster kick, so think I'll finish out the week using it. These top tier soaps are really just so good, I can't rate, but IF I had to, B&M Behold the Whatsis is the best performer of the them all. And strangely it's totally I mean totally different than Vespers even though they are supposedly the same formula. A&E and DG Icarus are right there together A&E maybe just edging DG out, but they are so close that a good lather day could switch that.

Speaking of, I've gone back to bowl lathering, and am having very good results with it. Getting the slickness to cushion ratio is a challenge with a straight, and I've found I'm getting it better using the bowl / face combo Chris Lindsey mentioned.

OK that's the report for today, have a great day fellow Cadre'ers!
It's been a bit since I posted last. Busy and draining time right now. I've got a personal mess I don't want to deal with but have to on top of trying to keep getting product out for our online company.

But I have been taking the time to learn the straight.

Lots of mini discoveries, soap is starting to make more sense and I'm getting more out of my top level soaps.

I made the shift to not using a DE for pass one, and well, it aint' easy. My first day the shave took well over an hour try to figure a way though this coarse curly hair of mine. On top of the personal issues, I got a bit dejected, but have been pressing on, and a little better everyday. That first day, I tired all 3/4 of my razors and wound up going back to the ugly Torrey CBLindsey so kindly threw in on the yard sale buy I made from him. It just seems to be the best of both worlds between a quarter hollow and full hollow somehow, and Chris put a heck of an edge on it.

I still can't get though all of my left neck w/o the DE so that's the next milestone I'm looking towards. But the later passes are starting to feel closer to real shaving and I'm very comfortable with the touch, so there's not much fear, though a fair amount of swearing going on each shave.

That's about all I've got now. I'm still on the fence about Bingo, the last couple took the fun out of it for me, and it's not my game to tell people how to play. Iif I do it this time, it's for Dave.
Sorry you’re a bit down n out Cole. Glad you could check in. I hope things improve for you soon!

An hour is a long shave...even for me! :p Good show of stick-to-it-tiveness for sure!