The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

New Horizons in Shaving

@HMan what do you think of the performance of Nordic Shaving soaps?

I haven't tried them yet. TBH, even though it's the home team, I didn't think Razor Master was very good. The scents are excellent however. I haven't summoned the courage to ask in our local group, but I'm seeing a lot of people using it here.

We've got another guy just coming up too, G&A Artisan Soap. Which might be interesting, lots of folks in Italy seem to like it ironically.
I haven't tried them yet. TBH, even though it's the home team, I didn't think Razor Master was very good. The scents are excellent however. I haven't summoned the courage to ask in our local group, but I'm seeing a lot of people using it here.
You mean I'm going to have to have them sent to the US so I can let you know how they are? 🤪
You mean I'm going to have to have them sent to the US so I can let you know how they are? 🤪

@NurseDave I asked in our local group, the Nordic Shaving soap is better than the original Razor Master. If you're not in a big hurry I'll happily get you some my next trip over to the US. But that's next spring.
Nice of you. I’d say I’ll keep that in mind, but I can hardly remember yesterday.
Nice progress with the Straight Cole. Sounds like you are really coming along! And I hope the wife heals and gets better quick. Sounds like she is in a lot of discomfort.
Had a nice Sunday here today. Feeling inspired by The Cadre, I started a Pass Around / PIF In our local shave group.

Kalle, one of the members here in Helsinki came by our flat to pick up the soap, and we wound up turning it into a massive try-a-soap swap. Poor Helena had to listen to us talk about shaving for the better part of an hour, but we had a great time.


The shave was also great, since I knew I'd be letting Behold the Whatsis go on a road trip, I used it today and love that tangerine scent more every time I use it. Did my usual training run with the straight and finished up with a Gillette Slim, I really do think I can see getting a fat boy at some time, I like the more rounded head profile of the older TTOs but find I really do use the adjustability when I have it.

The diet is going fine, but the app I'm using has really turned the screws on carbs. I had literally 3 bites of rice today.
Still, I've also lost 2kg and expect more to start going now.
Pretty cool. I keep waiting for someone to seem interested on the few chances I mention shaving as a hobby. Doesn't seem to have happened yet.
Pretty cool. I keep waiting for someone to seem interested on the few chances I mention shaving as a hobby. Doesn't seem to have happened yet.

Yeah this was pretty cool, we've got a Finnish FB group that I feel lucky to have been made to feel part of, seeing as I can't really write in Finnish. (I can read it alright). Kalle is the one other guy in Helsinki that seems as deep down the rabbit whole as me, and ironically he has an American wife, so it's meant to be I guess.
Today was my first truly crap shave in a LONG time, maybe ever.

Funny thing is since Dave was recommending SV soap in his straight series, I wanted to try some. Coincidentally Kalle brought some over for our try-a-soap swap. Well I tried it this am, it altered wonderfully and the first pass on my cheek was super, I was really feeling excited, but by the time I got to my neck it just felt like it had broken down.

I found I'd get a little great spot only to be met by skipping and sticking, relather and repeat. Just decided to call it a day, which I've never done. First soap I've tried that left me feeling - never again.

Yesterday I tired B&M Spice. I also found it tacky to get right, but the post was just wonderful for me, and left me feeling I'd want to try to get it right. That said, both Behold the Whatsis and Le Grand Chypre were instant awesome for me. But I've seen plenty of folks saying Reserve soaps are great when they get the lather right, so I'm not surprised I didn't hit it right away.


I went to my barber yesterday. He's right in front of the tram stop before where my wife had her accident. He says it's not unusual, and has seen people hang up on the track and fly right over the handle bars.

Her knee is still bugging her, but she's a real trooper and not letting it slow her down too much.
Aww man! I wonder what happened with the SV? That stinks.

Barbershop, train tracks...that guy must have some stories!
I would say that's pretty unusual to hear about SV. It usually easily explodes into some rich lather. The only reason I don't use them more is the required blooming.
I would say that's pretty unusual to hear about SV. It usually easily explodes into some rich lather. The only reason I don't use them more is the required blooming.
I've never bloomed it or had a problem bit I'm a rule breaker. Didn't know it was required though 🙃