The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Never tried a straight razor

I think Monkey got confused who he needs to be kissing up to for the next game.
That's what I was thinking @CBLindsay swapped his pretty quick. Hope I can get the hang of that or maybe have 2 wecks with the guard set on opposite sides and just pick up the one I need :p
The reason I have two is because I had planned to do just that, one for this side one for that. Good idea but in practice it is as clunky as just swapping the guard around. You will need to think about it at first but before long it becomes as normal as anything else. The guard isn't necessary but it makes the shave feel so effortless, great for those tired mornings.
ok tonight i tried the weck sextoblade for the first time.. It did pretty good( I didn't cut myself up) did 2 pass wtg /xtg no atg because i don't do them. I like it and think i will have to get one of my own.