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Never tried a straight razor


TSC's Cheerleader
Hello all, I am curious about trying a straight razor any advice? PS.I am also very scared of them.
I'm just getting started myself, just a few weeks in.

Buy a vintage, it's cheaper! Make sure it's been recently honed.
(I think there are still some on offer in the BST sections)
Stretch your skin!
Start slow, just the cheeks.
Use more water in your soap. Soap feels totally different than with a DE.

It's spooky and I just stop and go to my DE when I find myself getting psyched out or have a close call.
Also the razor does seem to matter, I've got two, and one I just don't get on with nearly as well as the other.
I think half hollow is easier, I don't like the flex of the full I have, at least not yet.
Just finished my shave today, and wanted to add a couple of more thoughts.

Watching shave videos is good, especially to help work out grips and angles, but don't expect your early shaves to be anything like what you see. Some of the guys here are real masters.

You probably won't get long smooth strokes, especially if you have course hair. Short strokes and patience.
As @HMan said, buying a well honed vintage razor is a good way to start for sure. the more hollow the grind the more feedback you get from the blade, which can make it seem scarier than the heavy grinds, but a wedge will tend to just plow through anything. For sure Stretch the crap out of your skin and push your lathers water content for maximum slickness. Keep the razor almost laying flat on your face. only a few mm between your face and the spine. wet the blade before you start your pass and have the blade in motion before it touches skin.

For sure watch some of our memeber videos. we have several who use straights and i believe there are some tutorials in the works as well.

And always feel free to ask us questions. we really enjoy helping people get started.
Lots of good recommendations here.

I’d say just find a sharp thing, a light hand, and get started.
I practiced a bit with plastic cutlery before I started in earnest. Best advice is to take your time and make sure you are at ease before adding strokes. It’s almost as if the steel can smell your fear.
Hello all, I am curious about trying a straight razor any advice? PS.I am also very scared of them.
If you are in the US I might have a Weck Sextoblade you could try out. It uses replaceable blades and has a guard.
I practiced a bit with plastic cutlery before I started in earnest. Best advice is to take your time and make sure you are at ease before adding strokes. It’s almost as if the steel can smell your fear.
Funny as it sounds I used one of those "razors" sold on ebay that looks nice but is in no way able to shave. I dulled the edge to be like the spine of a butter knife (not even as sharp as a butter knife) and practiced holding it, placing it in different positions and making mock shaving strokes. This allowed me to translate the visual cues i saw in video. Anytime I wanted to add a new angle or stroke to my routine I would pull the trainer out and give it a shot. I also used the trainer to practice stropping on different strops.

The only advice I will add to the already great advice given is to consider the Weck or similar style shavette. The main advantage to the shavette is the ability to limit the need for proper blade maintenance while learning. If your edge goes south due to poor maintenance you might become discourage. OK, one more bit of advice... ALWAYS keep the blade moving up or down, NEVER side to side (slicing motion).

Using a straight razor is definitely fun and with practice can result in great shaves. Plan to get cut a few times, there will be blood but it won't be painful.
I have three shave ready vintage razors ready to shave with...and I keep making excuses not to try them out...sigh...I really need to use them!

I can't really offer much advice in this department, but I just wanted to say Welcome to the Cadre! I think you will like it here!
I have three shave ready vintage razors ready to shave with...and I keep making excuses not to try them out...sigh...I really need to use them!

I can't really offer much advice in this department, but I just wanted to say Welcome to the Cadre! I think you will like it here!
thank you everyone so far for the kind info And the kind offer from The Monkey and yes i think i will like it here too.........