The Shaving Cadre

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My Daily Constitutional

I've become a fat slob over the past 6 months and I find myself 50 lbs overweight and not happy. So I've started off just doing some cardio on our elliptical machine. I'm up to 45 minutes but with no resistance. I can say that even without the resistance I break a nice sweat over 45 minutes. I've only been doing this for the past 2 to 3 weeks and have only managed to get on the thing about twice a week. I won't make much progress at that pace. So, today's resolution is to get on the elliptical every day. Whether its 30 minutes or 45 minutes or longer, I need to do this every single day. When the weather gets better I'll get back on the road bike and start banging out some miles. And I also hope to add some pushups, crunches and planks to the regimen. I have begun to realize that if I don't do this, I won't be on this planet for very long.
I've become a fat slob over the past 6 months and I find myself 50 lbs overweight and not happy. So I've started off just doing some cardio on our elliptical machine. I'm up to 45 minutes but with no resistance. I can say that even without the resistance I break a nice sweat over 45 minutes. I've only been doing this for the past 2 to 3 weeks and have only managed to get on the thing about twice a week. I won't make much progress at that pace. So, today's resolution is to get on the elliptical every day. Whether its 30 minutes or 45 minutes or longer, I need to do this every single day. When the weather gets better I'll get back on the road bike and start banging out some miles. And I also hope to add some pushups, crunches and planks to the regimen. I have begun to realize that if I don't do this, I won't be on this planet for very long.

A lot of us have been there buddy. You will find nothing but encouragement from the rest of us. My advice is to find something you enjoy doing (or at least relatively enjoy doing) and just do it more. Don't overdo it at first. I used to be one of those guys who would go balls to the wall/all out and then two weeks later realize I couldn't keep it up. Little things do matter in the long run believe it or not. You made the most important step...deciding that you need to just find your way! Again...nothing but encouragement here!
So part of my get up and go aspect of working out and exercise is to do real daily activities also.

Friday I mowed, trimmed, edged, and blew my yard and my mothers yard. Pretty much spent the better part of four hours doing yard work.

Yesterday I weeded our back and front yard flower beds and put up 30 feet of chicken wire around one of our flower beds that just won't dry up. Our dogs keep wanting run over to that flower bed and are rutting it up. So the fence will hopefully keep them out and HOPEFULLY be temporary.

Seriously though...yard work is some seriously good exercise!
I did 45 minutes on Friday and another 30 minutes yesterday. About to get on the elliptical and try and bang out another 45 minutes.
A lot of us have been there buddy. You will find nothing but encouragement from the rest of us. My advice is to find something you enjoy doing (or at least relatively enjoy doing) and just do it more. Don't overdo it at first. I used to be one of those guys who would go balls to the wall/all out and then two weeks later realize I couldn't keep it up. Little things do matter in the long run believe it or not. You made the most important step...deciding that you need to just find your way! Again...nothing but encouragement here!

I hear you about not overdoing it. I don't see getting on the elliptical at least 6 days a week to be overdoing it. I have yet to actually accomplish that but figure if I can do it, I'm way better off. So today will mark day 3. I put on the sweats and am ready. I'm just going to keep telling myself I gotta do it. Gotta do it.
I did 45 minutes on Friday and another 30 minutes yesterday. About to get on the elliptical and try and bang out another 45 minutes.

I hear you about not overdoing it. I don't see getting on the elliptical at least 6 days a week to be overdoing it. I have yet to actually accomplish that but figure if I can do it, I'm way better off. So today will mark day 3. I put on the sweats and am ready. I'm just going to keep telling myself I gotta do it. Gotta do it.

Put some Zappa on the iPod. 🎧 🎵🎶🎵🎶🎧
My walks during the week are to my car, and from the parking lot to my office, which is actually about as far from the parking lot as an office can be. Once in the office, I put away the cane for short distances, but since I need it for balance and get a little wobbly on long walks, I take it with me most places around the hospital. I deliberately take longer routes from point A to point B, to get more exercise. Baby steps for me.
Put some Zappa on the iPod. 🎧🎵🎶🎵🎶🎧

I usually put on the TV, either a series that I know will entertain me for the entire time on the elliptical or a movie. And today I did get the 45 minutes in so today I put on The Firm. I usually have music on the rest of the time, while in the car or spinning records in the basement. Or when I feel motivated to sit down behind the drums and play a bit.
You guys are inspiring! I walked all the way to the mailbox. Then all the way back! Needed a nap and some raviolis..
Attaching my strength routine from yesterday if anyone is interested. I do weights three times a week and exercises, weights, and reps change every time.


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