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March 2022 Sumo Tournament: Osaka

Dang that was an awesome day 1! Several upsets that surprised me, but that’s part of the fun!
Everyone see the comment posted by Jason on his youtube channel? Now what???
On his twitter, Jason says he took a few hits by the copywrite hammer. Not a huge deal. This happens occasionally. We just watch for him and watch alternates as Matt suggests.
Midnight Sumo on twitch appears to be posting the whole days sumo (some 5 hours) on twitchtv.
Awesome match with Enho in the Juryo matches!! Such a technician
Yep that was a good one.

Mitakeumi is looking strong again this tournament.

I would not want to be in the ring with Abi , he is just vicious with the thrusts to the face and neck. That dude is brutal.
Alright I am caught up through Day 3. Really happy with Wakatakakage, and Mitakeumi is looking great! Shodai... not so much.