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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

So the big question is, now that you've been using straights for a while, will the wife let you get a standard strop?
I haven't even broached the question yet. Right now I'd say doubtful. She still gives me that sidelong glance if she sees me either shaving or stropping with the straight. I think she is hopeful that after a bit more I'll essentially say, "Well, that was fun," and then go back to a different shaving system.
Nice shaves. Hopefully one day she will see how much you enjoy the straight and let you have a hanging strop.
SR shave #78, open blade #115 this morning.

Went with Stirling Peach (love this stuff) and back to the ZY for a second straight (pun intended) shave.

Three passes on the cheeks, two on the neck. CCS with a bit of clean-up around the jawline.

I got a bit of irritation at a spot on the left side of my neck. After a bit of thought, I remembered that this was a spot that I frequently irritated when I was shaving with DEs and SEs. That irritation went away when I switched to the straight razor. Hmm.....this got me to thinking.......maybe this means that I've become so comfortable with the straight razor that I'm back to a bad habit in that area that I previously had, that went away when I was being extremely slow and careful because I was so new to the straight.

So, in a kind of ironic way, maybe it's an indicator of progress? Now I just have to figure out how I can maintain comfort and efficiency and yet avoid that stupid area of irritation that bothered me so frequently in the past.

Have a great day.
Good shave Randall...I think that's some good analysis of what might be happening in your trouble area.
79/116 today.

Used a new-to-me soap this morning, which was the retail version of Soapy Science in the Lollipop Citrus scent. My Soapy Science soaps arrived yesterday. I was in a citrus mood, so I started with LC. I was a beta-tester of earlier versions of this soap, many of which were quite good. The most recent version I got lathered very much like Obsessive Soap Perfectionist, which is darned good, as many of you know.

However, the retail version is even better! Just a lovely, dense, slick, shiny lather. Amazing. Easily as good as many of the most well-liked soaps, such as Wholly Kaw, CRSW Select, MW, Mike's, B&M white label. Maybe better than most of these. But it was only one shave, so I'll opine more about where it belongs in the pantheon later. But suffice it to say that this soap met/exceeded all expectations for me. Scent was nice, too, and the scent strength was just perfect.

Went back to the Tilquin with the thumb notch today. Got a nice CCS with three cheek passes and two on the neck. Working on getting it smoother around the curve from the front of the chin to the front of the neck. Definitely was better today. A bit of clean-up on the jawline with the Bullet Tip, and I was good to go.
Didn't you say Soapy Science was made by a neighborhood kid or something?
It is made by a 13-year-old girl in Georgia, under the watchful eye of her wet shave devoted father.
There are two lathering videos on the website. You can fast forward a bit because they are long, but what you see is really what you get.
This is the ingredients list:

Tallow, stearic acid, water, castor oil, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, mango butter, refined shea butter, kokum butter, avocado oil, glycerin, sweet almond oil, apricot kernal oil, coconut oil, lanolin, sodium lactate, aloe vera juice, allantoin, essential oils for fragrance.

Pretty stellar list.
This is the ingredients list:

Tallow, stearic acid, water, castor oil, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, mango butter, refined shea butter, kokum butter, avocado oil, glycerin, sweet almond oil, apricot kernal oil, coconut oil, lanolin, sodium lactate, aloe vera juice, allantoin, essential oils for fragrance.

Pretty stellar list.

Always good to have ingredients one can pronounce!
80/117 this morning.

Sorry about the late entry. Really busy day at work today.

So, I chose the Soapy Science Lollipop Citrus again today, and yesterday's lather was no fluke. This stuff is fantastic.

Everything about the shave was the same except for clean-up I used my original iKon brass SBS (not the newer aluminum version).

I am also tweaking the second pass to make it more efficient. It's almost an exact mix between XTG and WTG now, and I am using "Gillette slide" techniques, windshield wiper techniques, etc., to see what works best. I am continuing to also refine the second pass on the neck, to make the pass more efficient and removing stubble.

Slowly but surely I am making progress.

Good shave today. No weepers, no nicks or cuts. Almost zero irritation. Aftershave was Stirling Lime, which paired perfectly with the Lollipop Citrus soap.