The Shaving Cadre

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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

Nice shave! I'll echo Chris's sentiments about not really thinking too much about the shave technique. Concentrating too much on one aspect leads to mistakes in others, which, with a straight razor leads to a blood donation to the shaving gods.
Great spot Randall!

Better watch out guys, don’t tick...Randall off, he knows his stuff!

Sorry, I had to. ?
Great stuff indeed!

What no TSC plug?

Oh, I put it in, but they edited it out before putting it up on the web.
Ya'll see that? That guy had NO razor burn! Now, someone get him a TSC hat.
85/122 this morning.

Soapy Science in My Special Blend (lol). This time with the ZY, just for comparison's sake. I have been getting along so well with the Noonan, I wanted to see if the ZY would measure up.

Great lather with a great scent today. No complaints.

First pass went pretty well, maybe a bit more tugging in the dense spots and maybe not quite as much reduction compared with the Noonan, but not bad. Second pass went well. Did a third on the face and had a good result. Got a tiny weeper exactly in the midline just below the lower lip, but it was tiny and stopped on its own.

Comfortable and smooth. 15 more shaves to the magical shave number 100! Woo-hoo! Once I get there, I'll probably stop this journal. Day after day things are going pretty well and the shaves are pretty much the same. That's awesome for me, but not very exciting for a reader.

Thanks for all your help and encouragement along the way.
Good stuff!

85/122 this morning.

Soapy Science in My Special Blend (lol). This time with the ZY, just for comparison's sake. I have been getting along so well with the Noonan, I wanted to see if the ZY would measure up.

Great lather with a great scent today. No complaints.

First pass went pretty well, maybe a bit more tugging in the dense spots and maybe not quite as much reduction compared with the Noonan, but not bad. Second pass went well. Did a third on the face and had a good result. Got a tiny weeper exactly in the midline just below the lower lip, but it was tiny and stopped on its own.

Comfortable and smooth. 15 more shaves to the magical shave number 100! Woo-hoo! Once I get there, I'll probably stop this journal. Day after day things are going pretty well and the shaves are pretty much the same. That's awesome for me, but not very exciting for a reader.

Thanks for all your help and encouragement along the way.

Well fine Randall, we didn’t want to keep reading anyway!

Just kidding!
Soap Science? I can't believe that I haven't heard of that one - will have to check it out.

And now you're a famous TV star!
Soap Science? I can't believe that I haven't heard of that one - will have to check it out.

And now you're a famous TV star!
It's Soapy Science. Nice stuff.

I was on TV at least 4 times over the winter to talk about flu. Pretty much every year they put me on to talk about flu, as if we've never had a flu season before, lol. This was my first time for tick-borne illnesses, though. It was nice to have a different topic for once.
Great bit there Randall on the ticks! I grew up just down the road from Lyme, CT, where it's namesake disease was discovered. The ticks up there are pretty bad!
I enjoy reading all the journal posts here on TSC, even when it is just yet another phenomenal shave. I may not say much more than "great shave" most of the time, but I do really like reading them.
My favorite is when they bring on the town hillbilly in August to yell at the poor reporter "I done don't 'member it EVER being this durn hot before"

I change the channel screaming... LAST SUMMER!
Had to come to work early this morning and I haven't been sleeping particularly well, so I opted for a bit of extra sleep and a quick two-pass DE shave. Since I started open blade shaving, I feel like I almost forgot how I used to DE shave. I've been doing my occasional DE shave pretty much exactly the way I shave with my straight.

This morning I decided to pretend I had never tried an open blade razor and do the DE shave the way I always did them. This resulted in a faster shave that turned out wonderfully.

Last night I loaded up the Feather AS-D2 head with a brand new fresh Polsilver SI blade. I mated it to a UFO Kaiser short handle.

I forgot to bloom the puck before my shower, so I got to find out how Soapy Science works without blooming. Loading took a bit longer, but the resulting lather was excellent. I used "my special blend" again today. I have now used DSB 4 times and Lollipop Citrus 4 times. They are both outstanding soaps and I love the shave of each. I could be happy with either but I glad for the variety. The two scents seem essentially like they have nothing in common, so it's a real change to go from one to the other.

Two quick passes led to a quick DFS and I was happy with that.

My final thought is this: I believe that a straight razor is actually gentler than even the mildest DE.
Great shave. The Soapy Science sounds like great stuff.

My final thought is this: I believe that a straight razor is actually gentler than even the mildest DE.

I would modify this statement slightly by adding "with sufficient experience" in front of "a straight razor." But I do believe that you are correct.