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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

SR shave #67, open blade #104 this morning.

Once again went with Sudsy Soapery in the Lavender/Peppermint (thanks, Chris!). I'm really digging Sudsy Soapery more and more the more I use it (and yes, I did just use the word "more" 3 times in one sentence and once in a parenthetical phrase).

I was torn between using the same razor as yesterday to see how well I could keep the edge through good stropping versus using the Noonan and Sons razor that also came back freshly honed so I could compare the two edges (they were honed with two different JNATs). Ultimately I decided to use the Noonan so the memory of the Tilquin edge would be fresh and I could do a reasonable comparison.

Remember when I said the Tilquin had the keenest edge I'd ever used? Forget about that. The Noonan was even sharper! Maybe not QUITE as smooth, but definitely sharper. Wow.

When I first started, and I heard that high-pitched shaving sound (the Noonan is a full hollow), I worried that it wouldn't cut through the stubble. I've always thought that the full hollows didn't have enough structural integrity. Turns out I was wrong.

Went through everything with ease on pass 1, including the densest parts on the chin and neck. Second pass smooth, as well. Went a bit more XTG on the neck on pass 2 rather than just a second WTG like I've been doing. Went well. Third pass true XTG on the cheeks was fine. Very sharp blade. Didn't have time for anything more so I cleaned up the neck/jawline with the Atra and called it a day.

Got to DFS on the cheeks, DFS- on the chin/mustache area, and SAS+ on the neck with the straight razor alone. No cuts, no nicks, no weepers. A tiny bit of irritation where I was applying too much pressure in a couple of spots, but very little.

Another good shave. I'll probably go back to the Tilquin tomorrow.

Have a good day, gents.
SR shave #68, open blade shave #105 this morning

Sudsy Soapery in the Cola scent today. I like this scent better now that I know the scent notes are essentially lime and bay. I guess once they made it they noticed it kind of smelled like Cola, but it really doesn't, at least not all that much. Anyway, it's pleasant and I had a good lather.

Back to the Tilquin today. Stropped it up last night. Felt sharp and smooth again this morning. I had a bit of trouble in the hollows of the neck again, especially on the left. When this problem arises, I just put the razor down and hit that area with something else. I don't stress about it. I know it will be fine again, probably tomorrow.

Anyway, I tried two different things today and paid for both of them; I tried an even more XTG second pass on the right neck and got a tiny little weeper that stopped spontaneously before the pass was even finished (but still, I haven't had one of those at all in weeks), and then I tried a different cross-handed approach to the area just lateral to my lips on the left side, and that led to a tiny bit of sting with the splash.

Other than that, it was a good shave. SAS after one pass, CCS+ all over when it was done.

A nice start to what I hope will be a great day.
Good shave Randall!

Too bad about the lack luster results on the new technique attempt, but that is how we learn.
Great shave. Trying new techniques and angles is not so much a method to find what works, but to find what doesn't

I hope tomorrow's shave is even better than todays.
Good shave. The more you eliminate what doesn't work, the better future shaves will be.
SR shave #69, open blade shave #106 today

Skipped yesterday because of an early meeting; didn't shave at all, which is rare for me. Mowed the lawn and did some other work this morning, so by the time I got around to the shave I had about 2.5 days' growth. It was a boatload of stubble. I had never tried a SR on this much stubble before, so I was a bit worried.

Used the Tilquin (shave 3 since the honing) and Mike's Orange, Cedarwood, and Black Pepper. Had a gorgeous lather.

The razor was up to the task. It tugged a little bit in the toughest spots, but I had a pretty good shave, 3 passes on the cheeks and 2 on the neck. Called it good.

No nicks, weepers, irritation. Another victory.

Have a good weekend. Tomorrow is my day off open blades.
Another nice shave, Randall! My better shaves generally come after a longer break between shaves. Plus it's just that much more satsfying to see the increased stubble get way layer by the chosen instrument of the day!
Great shave Randall! I think the better shaves do come after an extra day or more of growth. Also if I had to remove a full beard, I would choose a straight.