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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

SR #62, open blade #99 yesterday; DE this morning (Sunday is my day off of open blade stuff)

So, funny story. Friday evening I decided to refresh the edge on my ZY razor, so I did 15 laps on the CrOx and 15 on the FeOx. Then I remember thinking, "Time to strop this up good."

On my very first lap, I started to turn the razor over its edge instead of its spine! I have no idea why. I have never honed a razor, only stropped, so I have never intentionally turned a razor that way. I had just finished 50 laps of turning the razor on its spine. What in the world was I doing???

I stopped in horror immediately as soon as I saw what I was doing, and then thought, "Now what?" The only thing I could think was that perhaps I had ruined the edge or dulled the edge. So the only thing I could do is try to sharpen it again. So, I went back to the CrOx and the FeOx again, and then stropped. After all that, I tested it with some treetopping on my forearm, and it seemed to be cutting well, so I put it away for the evening.

On Saturday I had a lot of yard work to do in the morning, and then I went to the driving range to hit a bucket of balls (weather was finally nice), and then came home and took a shower. Even though it was after two in the afternoon, I decided to shave, for two reasons: 1) I like it, and 2) to see how the edge was. I was thinking, I really wish I had some lime-scented soap! Then I remembered that I had a sample of Soapy Science in the Citrus Lollipop scent, which is mostly lime. So I lathered that up and set to work.

The edge was fine. I did 2 passes and called it good. I didn't use any other razor. No DE, no Schick Repeater. Just the straight. It was SAS, and not much beyond, but I was OK with that because it was afternoon and I knew I wa
s going to shave again early Sunday morning.

So, I guess a lesson learned. Even when something doesn't go like I planned, I can figure out a way to get it back to workable. Going back to the pasted balsa was the right call.

This morning I used an RFB NEW loaded with one of those cheap Chinese blades that came with the cheap Chinese copy of the Futur. Shave went fine, but I really missed the straight razor. The DE just doesn't have the same feel on the face. I remember how much I hated that feel on my very first straight razor shave.
Great read and shaves Randal!

You got lucky on the miss-cue while stropping. You could have either ruined the edge or worse, or cut the strop, or both. Good save!
Great catch on the almost rolled edge/cut strop! It really is amazing how much you come to enjoy the feel of a naked blade on your face!
I jealous of the bucket of balls. That’s a relaxing way to spend some time.
SR #63, open blade #100 today.

Big milestone, I guess, at 100 open blade shaves (Feather SS kamisori makes up the difference between the two totals).

This morning I went with the ZY again and the Lollipop Citrus from Soapy Science. Three easy passes on the cheeks, two on the neck. Went for about 4 on my chin, and paid for it with some irritation. There are a boatload of tiny little gray hairs on my chin that I just can't seem to get smooth with the SR. It LOOKS smooth, but it doesn't FEEL smooth. So this morning I tried to get it so that it FELT smooth, but now it pretty much just feels irritated, lol.

Guess I learned another lesson. Otherwise, a pretty good shave.

Oh, and I just heard from Will that he finished honing my other two SRs, and that they will be in the mail back to me pretty soon. I'm looking forward to trying two different JNAT edges on two different razors. I'm anxious to see whether I can even tell the difference.
Nice shave. Will be interested in your opinion of the other JNAT edges.
Looks like a lot of progress is being made. I feel like I am re-living my days on learning to shave. I too am jealous of you hitting the range. ?
Congrats on the century mark for open blades. Look forward to your Century Straight Shave! I'm glad you are having fun with it!
Every day you learn something is a day well lived, or shaved in this case! Nice read, and looking forward to your take on the different JNAT edges as well!!
Congratulations on 100 Traditional Wet Shaves!

Nice shave shave Randal!
SR #64, open blade #101 this afternoon.

Off this week from work, preparing for a trip today, so another late shave. Did some more clean-up from the windstorms we've had, vacuumed out my car, and did a variety of other things. By the time I got around to showering, it was about 1 p.m. Decided to shave anyway, because why not?

Used Soapy Science again, this time in the "Doc's Special Blend" scent (named for me!). This is a great scent. Has some peppermint and/or spearmint, definitely has wintergreen, and some vetiver (not smoky). It's just a very interesting scent and it has a bit of cooling even though I don't think it has menthol in it.

Three easy passes on the cheeks led to CCS+ there, without irritation. I approached the chin a bit differently, with better success. Two passes on the neck was SAS. Cleaned up a little there and along the jawline. Great shave.

I applied a little Stirling aftershave balm in the lime scent and I was good to go. No muss, no fuss today.