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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

SR #59, open blade #96 this morning.

Used Soapy Science (soon to be available on Etsy, I'm told).

After yesterday morning's shave I was convinced I was going to turn into a full-time straight razor shaver. After this morning's shave, I'm not so sure, although it wasn't a bad shave at all. It's just that this morning's shave saw the return of a couple of trouble spots on the neck that I thought I was completely finished with. Catching a bit on the right side, and a tiny place in a hollow on the left that I just couldn't get, even though just yesterday when I shaved that spot perfectly I remember thinking to myself, "Why was I unable to do this, exactly?" Well, I still don't know why, but it came back again this morning.

I guess everyday is slightly different. Lather, preparation, edge.........and maybe it's a bit like "Chaos Theory" in mathematics: sensitive dependence on initial conditions? Maybe a tiny bit of difference in one or more areas ends up making a bigger difference in the actual shave? I don't know.

Anyway, all told, I had to use the Schick Repeater in one spot on the left neck. And then, near the end of the shave when I realized that I was in a big hurry, I actually pulled out the Atra to clean-up the chin and jawline. And wouldn't you know it, I got a weeper from the Atra! No weepers or cuts from the straight razor in a couple of weeks. So I stand by my prior assertion that, at least in some ways, a straight razor actually seems safer to me than a safety razor (or, in this case, a cartridge razor!).

Have a good day, gents.
Good shave Randall, even if the result isn't what you were hoping for. There are going to be peaks and valleys as you get more and more familiar with the straight shaves. I was comfortable with them around shave #75, but really didn't hit my stride IRT consistency until I was close to 200 shaves in. Some people are quicker, some slower, but enjoy the journey all the same! The below average shaves make the great shaves that much better when they happen!
I am going to admit that i had those trouble spots well into my journey. With over 800 straight shaves done I might guess somewhere between 300 and 500 was when the trouble spots became routine. The key to success? accept that the trouble spot exist and CAN be shaved to your liking if you take the appropriate approach ...then forget about it. incorporate the special stroke or additional pass that is needed to overcome the trouble spot and stop thinking about it. For the longest time i would do 3 and half passes, the half pass specifically added to clean up the trouble spots on my neck.
I echo what Chris said, as you will become a Jedi when the time is meant for you i just passed 900 and every day it a new day and Don't take it for granted. Enjoy the ride
You will get it. Keep at it and the consistency will show up for you.
SR #60, open blade #97 this morning.

Went back to Sudsy Soapery in the Cola scent. It really lives up to its name; it lathers up very sudsy, which I generally don't like. If you keep at it, though, it gets better, although it remains fluffier than my usual soap's lathers. HOWEVER, I get outstanding shaves with this soap. The scent I kind of like, if only because it doesn't smell anything like any other soap I've ever used.

Anyway, on to the shave. Really good this morning. I stropped it well last night and it appears to have paid off. Either that or there are just so many variables and a lot of them lined up for this morning's shave.

Two passes on the neck, chin, and mustache area, three on the cheeks. CCS+/DFS- all over, without any irritation at all. No cuts, nicks, or weepers. My face feels great after the shave. No sting from the Myrsol.

All in all, another winner. And just like that, I'm back. :)
I was able to grab a quick pic of Randall when he got to work today...

Nice couple of shaves Randal! Just stick with it, I know it can be frustrating at times, but it will all click one day.
SR #61, open blade #98 this morning.

Obsessive Soap Perfectionist in the Fougere Scent.

Good shave today. Got a small patch of irritation on the left side of my neck. Probably because this morning I tried something new; tried a cross-handed XTG on the left neck. It felt really awkward, but I didn't feel anything that was uncomfortable; but when I applied the aftershave, I could feel it there. Now, looking at it, there is a small area that is slightly red. Not a cut and it didn't bleed, but I definitely irritated myself there by trying something new. Oh well, there's only one way to learn!

Otherwise, a decent shave. Slightly below CCS. I'm off today, so it's good enough.
Good shave today...even with the irritation. Try the same technique again, but this time concentrate on both your angle and pressure while doing so. If there is still irritation afterward then you know at that point it's probably not a maneuver you should be doing.
Good shave sans the irritation!
Like Josh said pay close attention to angle and pressure. It's real easy to get heavy handed or get the angle off when attempting a new technique.
I figure you’ve found the same thing, when I’m trying a new angle it’s the angle I’m concentrating on and I can’t monitor the pressure at the same time.