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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

There are enough of you that use Soapy Science and really like it a lot...I'm wondering why I don't have any?
Dang good question!

Nice one Randall!
As was I...
And I....................................that Randall is such an enabler!!
It's on my short list....
Not meaning to enable, but it is an excellent soap.

Now on to today's shave, 157/194.

Back to Mystic Water Rosalimone. Man, I love this scent and this soap. It's fantastic.

I was running quite late this morning so I opted to do a quick first pass with the Ming-Shi and then do two passes with my Tilquin straight razor. Everything went really well. I had a tiny bit of clean-up to DFS.

My skin felt silky after the shave, which happens a lot with MW soaps for me. By the third pass, the lather isn't as thick as some of my other soaps, but it's still dense and protective. I don't get that bubbly lather phenomenon that some people have talked about.

Hope you have a great day!
....Mystic Water....Man, I love's fantastic....I don't get that bubbly lather phenomenon that some people have talked about....

I've discovered that even when I've had the "bubbly lather" it's still slick. But fortunately, I've figured out how to dial it in on a consistent basis with the water at my house.
I've discovered that even when I've had the "bubbly lather" it's still slick. But fortunately, I've figured out how to dial it in on a consistent basis with the water at my house.
I've really only gotten the "disappearing lather" phenomenon 2 or 3 times, and I've gone through several pucks of her soap.

Good stuff Randall! The good Doctor is on a roll!
Good couple of shaves Randall!
Thanks, guys!

158/195 this morning.

I was really excited for this morning's shave thanks to the generosity of Chris (the GaTech fan version of Chris), who sent me his Sta-Sharp razor to try out. (He also generously included several soap samples!)

Anyway, it came in yesterday's mail. This is a beautiful razor! Very small, but very beautiful. It's not a shorty, but it has a narrow blade. I didn't measure it, but I'm guessing it is maybe a 4/8? The blade is shiny with beautiful etching. It has jimps on the top and bottom of the tang. The scales are a yellow-gold pearlescent color, and they are just spectacular.

I gave it a light stropping last night in preparation for today's shave.

For software, I decided to go with a tried and true soap for the first shave with a new razor (usually a good idea), so I lathered up Soapy Science in the Lollipop Citrus scent. I got a predictably unctuous lather and started to work with the Sta-Sharp.

This is the lightest straight razor I have ever wielded, that's for sure. First pass on the cheeks went very well. The edge was plenty sharp. It even went through the toughest stubble below the chin without hesitation.

On the second pass I was gaining confidence. I did the Chimensch pass on the left side of the face first (holding the razor with the right hand), and it was so smooth and comfortable that I think I got a little careless and fast. I ended up with a weeper on the left front of my chin (didn't feel a thing; saw the blood while I was doing the Chimensch on the right side of the face). Maybe I just caught the point a tiny bit? No matter, it was very minor and stopped itself.

Third pass went well. I ended up with an easy CCS. When I put on the aftershave, I noticed another very tiny area of sting just in front of my left ear. There was no blood, but there was a tiny little spot that was irritated. No idea what happened there.

Overall, I feel like my face is a little tighter today than it usually is. I suspect it has to do with the fact that this razor was somewhat sharper than my razors, and much lighter. I probably added too much pressure because of how light it is, and that, combined with the sharpness of the edge, probably removed a bit more superficial skin than my normal shave. I'm talking about just the faintest amount of tightness, mind you; almost unnoticeable.

Overall, I'm giving this edge an A-, at least. And I'm giving the appearance of the razor an A+. And I'm giving my straight razor shaving skills a solid C+. Special thanks, once again, to Chris for his kindness. I'll be giving this razor a few more outings, for sure. I suspect the second and third shave with this baby will be even better.

On an unrelated note, today is my youngest son's first day of a new job that he just landed. He had an interview 2 or 3 days ago and started training today. He's going to be working the deli counter at a local grocery store. We'll see how it goes, but I was proud of him for finding a job.

Hope y'all are having a great day!
On an unrelated note, today is my youngest son's first day of a new job that he just landed. He had an interview 2 or 3 days ago and started training today. He's going to be working the deli counter at a local grocery store. We'll see how it goes, but I was proud of him for finding a job.
It's a whole new world...
Fun shave!

My first job was at a famous hometown German deli/bakery. Great learning experience in service...and good leftovers! I hope it goes well for him!
Good to hear you enjoyed the new razor. I find anything narrower than 9/16 too narrow for me, even 9/16 depends on other factors. Sounds like the narrow blade didn't hold you back though.

Good news about the Deli Counter job, that area of the grocery store tends to be a solid job. My son has been working for a semi-local chain for a couple years and it has afforded him the ability to go to school and provided some interesting stories. There is more politics involved in the union grocery store jobs than i had every imagined, he's learning to navigate those waters too. Good for your son, you should be proud.
Great stuff Randall! Lighter blades can present their own challenges, but can be extremely fun to whip around the face since they're so agile!

Congrats on your son landing the deli gig!
....On an unrelated note, today is my youngest son's first day of a new job that he just landed....I was proud of him for finding a job./QUOTE]

It's a whole new world...
Indeed. We'll see how he feels at 9 p.m. tonight when he gets off his first 7-hour shift!

Fun shave!

My first job was at a famous hometown German deli/bakery. Great learning experience in service...and good leftovers! I hope it goes well for him!

Good to hear you enjoyed the new razor. I find anything narrower than 9/16 too narrow for me, even 9/16 depends on other factors. Sounds like the narrow blade didn't hold you back though.

Good news about the Deli Counter job, that area of the grocery store tends to be a solid job. My son has been working for a semi-local chain for a couple years and it has afforded him the ability to go to school and provided some interesting stories. There is more politics involved in the union grocery store jobs than i had every imagined, he's learning to navigate those waters too. Good for your son, you should be proud.
Thanks, Chris. Interesting thoughts on blade size, too.

Nice shave ! Soapy Science in the Lollipop Citrus scent sounds awesome and you sure give it a workout.
I keep track of how many shaves I get from each soap, so I know that yesterday was my 20th shave with Lollipop Citrus. I have logged 25 with Doc's Special Blend. So it seems like I need to give the Lollipop Citrus even more of a workout!

Great stuff Randall! Lighter blades can present their own challenges, but can be extremely fun to whip around the face since they're so agile!

Congrats on your son landing the deli gig!

159/196 this morning.

So I decided to try the Sta-Sharp again this morning, to see if with experience I could improve on the experience. For lather, I decided to try one of the samples that Chris generously included with the razor. For this morning, I went with Lisa's in the Black Velvet scent. It looks like this scent has been discontinued. I found it interesting that Lisa was surprised that men would want, for example, white florals and the like, when this Black Velvet soap smells like a high-end women's perfume. At least to my nose it does. Not saying it as a dis; I really enjoyed the scent of this soap in the container, but it did smell, if anything, even more feminine than Dr. Jon's Savannah sunrise, which is a combination of peach and about 4 or 5 flowers.

Anyway, I scooped out an almond-sized amount with a spoon (maybe a bit more) and put it into my lathering bowl. At the beginning of the lathering it became very bubbly very quickly, which worried me, but as I worked it more, it began to look much nicer. I think I used enough for about two shaves, but oh, well.

Anyway, as I started to lather it, I detected an earthy, almost dirt smell, which I suspect is a vetiver. I don't know what the scent notes are.

By the end of the lathering, though, I had a really nice lather that smelled great and shaved great. Unfortunately, about the middle of the second pass I began to feel a tingling all over my face that suggested that my skin didn't like it as much as my nose did.

The first two passes with the mighty mite Sta-Sharp went very well. I was careful to keep a light touch and a shallow angle, and I also watched where the point was at all times. No problems at all.

At some point I wondered whether the feeling I had on my face was a reaction to the soap or whether I was irritating my face with the razor. So after two passes, I rinsed all the lather off my face and switched to Cremo cooling and did the third pass with the Ming-Shi.

I've been using a mild, low-alcohol aftershave splash, but today I decided to go with Myrsol F.Extra to help me figure out what happened; I figured that if I had been shaving too aggressively and the tingling in my face was from that, the Mysol would light me up. Well, the Myrsol went on smoothly and without any problem at all. Felt good, in fact. So I suspect that there is some ingredient in the soap that my skin doesn't like. Too bad, because I really enjoyed the soap's scent and lather.

In the end, it was a DFS without any weepers, nicks, or irritation other than the soap reaction. So, all-in-all, a great shave. And I am liking the mighty mite quite a bit. I have to rinse more frequently, but other than that, it's all good.

I'm giving the edge an A-, the soap an A-, my shaving skills a B+ today, and the shave an A-.

Have a great day, gents!
Awesome job with the shave today Randall, sounds like you took to the smaller razor fast. Too bad about your face reacting to the soap, especially considering you enjoyed the scent.
Too bad about the skin tingle. she uses a lot of natural essential oils, maybe one of them doesn’t agree with you. I got the same reaction from coconut oud, cruising along nicely but by mid second pass things start to feel funny. I have been able to use it several more times with the same reaction but never a full on flamer or outbreak. I have only had this reaction with a couple soaps and none shared an obvious connection.

To me, Rose is a quintessentially feminine scent but many men enjoy it in the shave soap...same with Lilly of the valley and jasmine.
Bummer about the soap irritation. I've been fortunate in that I can only think of a couple of soaps that have not liked my ole mug. The good news is that there are so many other fantastic soaps available these days.
Awesome shave Randall! Bummer about the soap reaction though.
Awesome job with the shave today Randall, sounds like you took to the smaller razor fast. Too bad about your face reacting to the soap, especially considering you enjoyed the scent.
Too bad about the skin tingle. she uses a lot of natural essential oils, maybe one of them doesn’t agree with you. I got the same reaction from coconut oud, cruising along nicely but by mid second pass things start to feel funny. I have been able to use it several more times with the same reaction but never a full on flamer or outbreak. I have only had this reaction with a couple soaps and none shared an obvious connection.

To me, Rose is a quintessentially feminine scent but many men enjoy it in the shave soap...same with Lilly of the valley and jasmine.
Bummer about the soap irritation. I've been fortunate in that I can only think of a couple of soaps that have not liked my ole mug. The good news is that there are so many other fantastic soaps available these days.
Thanks for your thoughts, gents.

Yesterday was one of the rare days when I didn't shave at all. I went to play golf with 7 friends. We made four 2-man teams and played a scramble format. My partner and I were tied for the lead at 2-under with four holes to play, but unfortunately we bogied 2 of the last 4 holes to come in second by two strokes. Oh well. We still finished even par on a difficult course and we played the blue tees.

Sundays I don't use open blades. So this morning was a DE shave on 2-days' growth (something I haven't done in a long time). I also chose a razor I hadn't used in forever; a Pils copy made by iKon. Only 80 of these were made. It's an exact copy of the Pils, all stainless. The only difference is that Greg added knurling to the handle (lack of knurling on the handle was a frequent complaint about the Pils).

Anyway, so I loaded up a fresh Polsilver blade last night and took to the 2-days' growth with the "Pils" this morning. For lather I used the AoS lemon cream. My memory of the "Pils" is that it was very mild; even milder than a Tech. My memory may have been slightly off or my technique has improved. It was more efficient than I remembered. First-pass reduction was good. After 2-passes and minor touch-up, I was DFS.

This razor is really nice. Very smooth feel. Those of you who own or who have shaved with a Pils know what I'm talking about. It is very head-heavy, but it's not detrimental to the shave. It's really a great DE.

I played the organ in the service this morning, and I taught Sunday School (Hezekiah, Sennacherib, Josiah, etc from 2nd Chronicles). Great stuff.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Nice rebound shave Randall. I had a problem with the Somali Rose which bummed me as I liked the scent. Some we win and some, not so much.