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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

Randall, you continue to wear me down with the Lollipop Citrus.

I probably should have ordered it with the Rosa Pura. And speaking of the Rosa's on deck for today. I did a test lather with it yesterday (when it arrived), and I was impressed with the "yogurty" lather it produced. Looking forward to giving it a go in a few hours.
Randall, you continue to wear me down with the Lollipop Citrus.

I probably should have ordered it with the Rosa Pura. And speaking of the Rosa's on deck for today. I did a test lather with it yesterday (when it arrived), and I was impressed with the "yogurty" lather it produced. Looking forward to giving it a go in a few hours.
Not trying to be an enabler.......

141/178 this morning.

Last night I took the Noonan to the CrOx for 20 passes and to the FeOx for about 25. Then I stropped it about 120 or so laps, hoping to not have the harshness that I have had from the FeOx sometimes in the past.

So this morning I got to try out the refreshed edge after lathering up with Soapy Science Doc's Special Blend. I got a great lather, as usual.

From the first stroke, I knew the refresh and stropping had been a success. It was sharp but remained smooth and didn't feel harsh. I did my usual first pass and then opted for the Chimensch second pass. A third pass left me DFS- after a little touch-up with the Fatboy.

I felt a bit of tightness this morning after the shave that I haven't been feeling, so I think I overdid it a bit today, but there is no visible irritation, so it was only the tiniest bit of over-shaving. I'll use an even lighter touch tomorrow.

Hope y'all have a great day!
Great couple of shaves Randall!

Good job on the refresh!

142/179 this morning.

Noonan and Stirling Peach. Three passes to DFS-, no irritation. Clean-up with the Fatboy.

The windshield crack that happened on Friday the 13th was looked at by Safelite yesterday; couldn't be repaired so the entire windshield had to be replaced. $400 bill that I really didn't need, but that was less than I thought it would be.

Wouldn't you know it, when I was on my way to work this morning a big ugly truck pulled out in front of me on a side street close to the freeway entrance. I had no choice but to follow him up the on-ramp. When he finally got that hunk of junk up close to highway speed, little rocks start tumbling out of the back of his truck and bouncing up around my car.

Nope! Not gonna happen today. I pulled off and let him go, and then merged later when he was far ahead of me.

I guess I am fortunate that my brand new windshield is still intact!

Have a great day, guys. Tomorrow is my day off of open blades. Firing up the Fatboy and probably the AoS lemon cream.
I had an uneventful two-pass plus touch-up shave this morning using the Fatboy loaded with a Polsilver SI. For lather I used the AoS lemon, which I am now using every Sunday morning.

The shave was quite nice.

I did a little experiment. In the past when I used my Fatboy, I always used it at an high setting like 7 or 8, turning it down to 5 or 6 for the second pass. I had tried to shave at low settings like 3 or 4 without much success. I always marveled when others would say they shaved with theirs set to 3.

You know how sometimes a Fatboy gets "overclocked"? I wondered whether it was possible that mine was "underclocked"? Guys talking about how aggressive it was at any setting over 6, etc., but me really not being able to get a decent shave with it set below 6.

Well, times change and techniques improve, especially when one learns how to shave with a straight razor.

So, for today's shave I did the first pass on 4, which was perfectly fine, and not too mild at all. But the experiment started on the second pass. For the left side of my face, I opened it up to 7 for the second pass, but for the right side, I turned it all the way down to 2, at setting at which I previously thought shaving was impossible.

So how'd it go? The left side of my face was easy-peasy at 7. Smooth sailing, quick, efficient second pass. The right side also went well. I had to watch the angle a little more carefully, but it shaved perfectly fine and the end result was the same from one side to the other.

My conclusion? Wide open settings really don't do much except allow for a wider window of angles that will still shave stubble, which makes it somewhat easier to shave, I guess, because the razor is tolerant of sloppy technique. The low settings still shave just fine, but require the user to carefully control the angle and the pressure, which I can now do thanks to learning how to shave with a straight razor.

Have a great Sunday, gents.
Very good info Randall! When my Fatboy gets home I may do a similar test for my own to see if I can shave at lower settings now.
Excellent analysis of your shave!

Very good info Randall! When my Fatboy gets home I may do a similar test for my own to see if I can shave at lower settings now.
Let us know. I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Good test!

All in the name of shave science!

You blinded me with science! lol

Although I could not get to them all, great catch up reads
Thanks, Dave. You're under no obligation to read my journal entries. If you don't have time, don't worry about it. But I do appreciate the comment.

Great shave and observations Randall!

All caught up Randall. Great stuff and thanks for the entries.
Thanks. I don't know how long I will continue this, but for now I guess I'll keep going a bit.

143/180 this morning.

Decided to change things up a bit this morning, so last night I refreshed the ZY on the CrOx 20 laps, the FeOx 20 laps, and then stropped it up.

For software, I pulled out a sample of Wholly Kaw in the "Dark Vetiver" scent for this morning's shave. I think I have mentioned previously that I think this is one of the biggest misnomers in all of shavedom. I like the scent a great deal, but there is nothing dark about it. In fact, it's a bit sweet and a bit floral to my nose.

Anyway, I know these soaps get a lot of praise, and I like the soap, but I don't feel like it's all that much better than my other soaps. And lathering it was a lot more work, at least it was for me this morning. All told, I'd say I had to put in almost twice as much work to get the lather I wanted versus what I have to do to get a good lather from Stirling or Soapy Science. Did it shave better? The post-shave face feel was better than either of the above, but during the shave I didn't notice any real difference.

Anyway, on to the shave. The first shave went well. First-pass reduction was slightly better than I usually get with the Noonan (this razor is much heavier, I wonder if that has anything to do with it?). I was running a bit late, and it occurred to me while rinsing from the first pass that I could save a bit of time by doing the Chimensch pass on the left and a regular pass on the right, thus doing the second pass above the jaw line without changing the hand that was holding the razor. It went well and was pretty easy.

I did an XTG third pass above the jaw and then finished the shave with my iKon S3S loaded with a Polsilver. I didn't do any of the third pass below the jawline with the straight razor, in the interest of time. I also touched up the mustache area with the S3S, and that's where I got my only weeper of the day. Of course, as usual, it was not from the straight razor.

Overall, a great shave, though. The weeper stopped up by the cold water rinse.

Then, on the way to work, I get to a busy intersection in Norfolk and see all this smoke billowing around my car. I figure the guy to the left of me is overheating, but his car looks fine. There were no cars in front of me. I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that it's me, but it seems impossible. I look at the car to the right of me, and the driver is pointing to the smoke coming out from under my hood. She mouths, "Is that your car doing that?" and I realize that it is.

I couldn't stop right there in a busy intersection so I carefully drove another 1/4 mile or so to a gas station where I could pull over and stop the engine. Dang! Then I had to call the clinic nurse to see if she could come pick me up and bring me the rest of the way to work, which she graciously did. Now my wife has been working half the day to get the car towed and checked out. I was going to take it in on Wednesday for an oil change and tire rotation. I guess the car decided it needed to be seen sooner........sigh. Always a great way to start off a new week. At least I had a good shave!

Hope y'all are doing better than I am. Have a great day.
Interesting Fatboy observation.

Bummer about the car! Hope it's not too serious.
Doh, not the reason you want people to be saying “you’re smokin’!”
Thanks, guys. I'll find out about the car later today. I've been thinking about it, though, and it's weird. It was smoking like crazy at the stoplight, but I was forced to drive a bit to get out of the way of people, and as I did so, the smoking decreased. When I pulled into the gas station and parked, I didn't see any smoke at all. When I opened the hood, I was not met by a rush of steam or smoke, and there was no boiling over of the radiator or anything like that. It strikes me as odd.

So I have a hypothesis. Maybe something leaked and the smoke/steam I saw was whatever that substance was burning off a hot surface of the engine. But because the engine itself actually wasn't overheating, once that stuff burned off the steaming stopped.

I hope I am right, because then the fix could be a simple as replacing a torn hose or something, and I could also be sure that I didn't damage the engine by driving further. Time will tell, but that's my hypothesis.

144/181 this morning. Went with the ZY again today. Used Mike's OCBP. Got a nice lather, although it was not as stable as what I got with Wholly Kaw yesterday. I think I underloaded just a bit. Still a good lather, though.

Did a standard three passes above the jaw and two below. Cleaned up with a Fatip "Testina Gentile," which is actually a medium aggressive razor.

No nicks, no cuts, no weepers. Good DFS- result. Pretty happy with today's shave. My Mike's is getting very close to the bottom, which makes me a little sad. However, when it is gone it will be replaced by Mystic Water Rosalimone, which is a soap I really love, so there's that.

Have a great day, gents.
Thanks, guys. I'll find out about the car later today. I've been thinking about it, though, and it's weird. It was smoking like crazy at the stoplight, but I was forced to drive a bit to get out of the way of people, and as I did so, the smoking decreased. When I pulled into the gas station and parked, I didn't see any smoke at all. When I opened the hood, I was not met by a rush of steam or smoke, and there was no boiling over of the radiator or anything like that. It strikes me as odd.

So I have a hypothesis. Maybe something leaked and the smoke/steam I saw was whatever that substance was burning off a hot surface of the engine. But because the engine itself actually wasn't overheating, once that stuff burned off the steaming stopped.

I hope I am right, because then the fix could be a simple as replacing a torn hose or something, and I could also be sure that I didn't damage the engine by driving further. Time will tell, but that's my hypothesis.

144/181 this morning. Went with the ZY again today. Used Mike's OCBP. Got a nice lather, although it was not as stable as what I got with Wholly Kaw yesterday. I think I underloaded just a bit. Still a good lather, though.

Did a standard three passes above the jaw and two below. Cleaned up with a Fatip "Testina Gentile," which is actually a medium aggressive razor.

No nicks, no cuts, no weepers. Good DFS- result. Pretty happy with today's shave. My Mike's is getting very close to the bottom, which makes me a little sad. However, when it is gone it will be replaced by Mystic Water Rosalimone, which is a soap I really love, so there's that.

Have a great day, gents.

Great shave good Doctor!

Hows the QC on the Testina? I haven’t heard about any issues in comparison to the OC head’s previous troubles.