The Shaving Cadre

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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

Catching up. Great news on the wife front about supporting the shaving.
That was some fun reading to catch up on, Randall, despite the (n)ear disaster!

How in the heck did I miss the fact that you are in my backyard?!?! I live in VB, and all of my kids have been patients at CHKD at some point (thankfully not in your area of expertise). Now that I know there is a cadre member living so close, perhaps we should arrange an Southeastern Virginia meetup and make some of those desert dwellers come to where it's nice and humid!
Sounds good to me! Or if you just want to get together sometime to look over gear and shoot the bull, I'm up for that, too.

94/131 was this afternoon, using the Noonan and Soapy Science in Doc's Special Blend.

I had the day off from work. I had also just pulled out an old set of irons that I used to really enjoy (no idea why they ended up in the doghouse) and had them re-gripped. I have large hands and have always used Midsize grips. This time around I decided to go with the Jumbo grips, which are the largest they make. I was anxious to find out how well I would hit these old irons I hadn't used for quite some time, with a grip size I had never tried before, so I got up this morning and went to the golf course before showering/shaving. I played 9 holes walking. In this humidity I think I sweat about a half-gallon or so. Long story short, though, I hit the irons pretty well. The grips were comfortable and felt great. My only regret about the round was missing a 3-and-a-half foot putt for birdie on the 7th hole after I had hit three absolutely perfect shots! Oh, well.

Anyway, back to the shave. After I got home from golf I hit the shower and then the shave. Since it was already early afternoon, I decided to just do two passes and be happy. Both passes went smoothly. I had no problems at all. Reduction was actually quite good. The cheeks were CCS and the neck was almost there. I used Stirling aftershave balm. All in all, a great shave and a good day.

Hope your day and your shave was as good as mine.
Just catching up on everything...Glad your wife has completely embraced your way of shaving! Now...maybe you can convert her!
Nice shave Randall and nice to be able to get out on the golf course, if only for 9 holes!
Great shave results, Randall! I will see if I can convince SWMBO that meeting up to talk shaving gear will not result in me bringing more gear home with me, LOL
I wish I could play golf. I'm so lousy at it that I "retired" several years ago. But I do follow the Tour.
95/132 today.

Went to Maryland's Eastern Shore for a "wedding weekend." Left on Friday in the mid-morning; got back yesterday evening at about 7:00 p.m. Took no shave gear with me except for a tube of I Coloniali cream and a metal Atra. Had two shaves while away with that set-up: one at the sink and one in the shower. All things considered, the shaves were not horrible, but I was looking forward to a real shave, which I got today.

Used the Noonan. Decided to go back to the dregs of a puck of Obsessive Soap Perfectionist in the Fougere scent. Did two passes all over and then a bit of clean-up. Still off work so no need for perfection.

The OSP soap lathered up great and shaved OK, but I don't like it as well as my Soapy Science, Stirling, and Mike's. The shave went pretty well but was vaguely unsatisfying. My wife was next to me, spraying her hair and so forth, and it was quite distracting. When I placed the razor down to rinse between passes she was reaching for stuff near the blade and I thought she was going to cut herself. I kept reminding her that there was a sharp blade sitting right there and asking her to please be careful.

The shave actually went pretty well, with just a tiny bit of irritation. I'm trying to make the second pass on the cheeks more efficient so I don't have to do a third pass. I went a bit MORE XTG and a bit LESS second WTG in order to accomplish that. It seemed to work while still being easy and comfortable. I'm going to continue working on that and see where it leads me.

Have a great day, everybody.
Glad you had a good trip Randall!

My wife will occasionally be in the bathroom when I’m shaving as well. I don’t worry about her so much as myself. It’s a tight space for two when I’m doin my strokes and shaving contortions lol! She has come within an inch of my razor holding arm a number of times.
I have moved from the master bath to the guest bath so I don't have issues with my wife. Plus I've taken over the linen closet as my shave den. ?
Good luck with the passes. Are you able to get a 2-pass DE or SE shave to the level you're looking for? I thought with the RX I might be able to get a 2 pass shave if I went just WTG and ATG, no luck. There's enough hair growing in enough directions it takes all 3 passes.
I always did a 2-pass plus touch-up shave with DE or SE. I am getting there with the straight. I am still not quite as efficient, but it is improving.

Today I did shave 96/133, but I only did two passes total. Mainly because I was shaving in the afternoon.

You guessed it. I played golf again today, this time a full 18 holes. Couldn't pass up the price I got on line ($17 for the round, including cart!). The weather was nice, and I played pretty well, except for the driver. The irons were on fire all day; hit 9 greens in regulation and gave myself about 4 decent looks at birdie, making one of them. Overall, a great day on the links!

After I got home, I showered and couldn't resist a shave. I changed it up with the soap quite a bit, going with the RR What the Puck? soap in the Orange scent. It was the first time I had used this soap. It lathered up really easily for a triple-milled soap, and lathered pretty well, although the lather was fluffier than I generally prefer. It shaved OK, though, and provided good glide for the Noonan on my two passes. Somewhere close to CCS with just that, so I was a pretty happy camper.
I really miss playing golf. It's so expensive though. Unless you find deals like you did. When I lived in Hawaii, I played probably about three times a week for about two years. Being on active duty the I could play at the bases which were super cheap. I just don't have the time right now. But I wouldn't mind getting out there again.
Good shave Randall!

$17 for a round and cart?! Are we talking mini-golf? Lol!

Glad you are having continued success with your SRs! Do you do any ATG shaving with them on the chin or upper lip? I need to see more video techniques for these areas! WTG and XTG are cake walks compared to the lunar jump that is an SR/shavette ATG stroke in the danger areas!