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Kingfisher's open blade (straight razors and shavettes) journey

I hope it's a strongly scented peppermint - I'm looking forward to it. I've been hoping to find a really good peppermint shaving soap. I have the AoS Peppermint shaving cream, and it's delightful. But a soap has been elusive since Strop Shoppe closed down.
I haven't tried the retail version, but the earlier version was a nice, solid peppermint scent and with a nice cooling effect.

88/125 this morning.

Went back to the Tilquin this morning. Stropped it last night. It's a larger blade than either of my other razors and it has a slight warp to it, so stropping it takes a bit more care. It also has a thumb notch, which is kind of nice.

For lather, I decided to go back to Mike's in the O/C/BP scent. I thought it would be interesting to compare it with the Soapy Science soaps I've been using.

So, I ended up with a nice lather. The end result was very similar to Soapy Science, and it went through all the same stages during bowl lathering, but the Soapy Science gets there more quickly and ultimately is slightly creamier. Face feel after the shave is also better with Soapy Science, but Mike's was pretty good.

As for the shave itself, it was fair. The edge is still sharp, but reduction was not as good as what I have been getting with my other blades. After 3 passes, though, I had a CCS without any irritation. I like the thumb notch, but I'm not sold on the blade itself.

Overall, though, a nice, comfortable shave for another win.

Have a great day.
Good to know about the peppermint scent - I'm looking forward to trying it.

And the Mike's O/C/BP is one of my favorites.
I hope it's a strongly scented peppermint - I'm looking forward to it. I've been hoping to find a really good peppermint shaving soap. I have the AoS Peppermint shaving cream, and it's delightful. But a soap has been elusive since Strop Shoppe closed down.
Starting your Christmas shopping for Dave already?
Nice shave Randall! BTW, I also ordered a couple of their soaps...DSB and Lollipop Citrus. Couldn't help myself and that they donate a portion of the proceeds to charity makes it all the more worthwhile. Good enabling!
Nice shave Randall! BTW, I also ordered a couple of their soaps...DSB and Lollipop Citrus. Couldn't help myself and that they donate a portion of the proceeds to charity makes it all the more worthwhile. Good enabling!
Thanks! I practice a lot, haha.

I think you will be pleased with the soaps.
Don't quit this journal after reaching 100; I hear it takes 250 to really dial it in! I'm going to check out Soapy Science now. ?
Look what you made me do, Randall! I went and bought Doc's Special Blend. I don't even need another soap. ?
89/126 this morning; sorry about the late entry.

Looks like I have inadvertently become quite the enabler!

Speaking of Soapy Science, I used the Lollipop Citrus this morning again. Wonderful. Went back to the ZY.

Got a nice two-pass shave without any problems. Looked at the clock and realized that time was running short. Could've gone to work SAS+ but decided to finish the job with the AS-D2 on the UFO handle, for a DFS. No irritation.
Used Stirling lime balm to finish, and ran off to work.

Didn't even have time to give the cat his treats. :-( I hope he will forgive me.
Great shave, but shame on you for neglecting the cat treats.
Nice shave Randall...and all you have to do is ask Rich about ignoring the cats and what happens...
90/127 this morning.

Yesterday I had a tee time in the morning at a golf course a good 30 minutes away, so I skipped the shave. So, this morning was a rare 2-days' growth shave for me.

Used the ZY and went back to Soapy Science in the DSB scent (love this!). First pass was a little difficult, as it always is for me regardless of tool when I have 2-days' growth, but I got through it OK and reduction was pretty good. I was thinking the razor wasn't sharp enough to handle it, but on the second pass it felt plenty keen. I did a third pass on the cheeks and after a bit of clean-up I was good to go.

I think the lady of the house is less freaked out than she used to be, or perhaps she is just getting used to it. Three examples:
1) A couple of weeks ago, when I got my new Soapy Science soaps, I had the soap on the counter with a brush atop it, and my Noonan and Sons straight razor sitting right there. I was in the shower when she walked through the bathroom. She looked at the gear, and then said, "Enjoy your shave."
2) A few days ago we had company for one night, so my adult son was sharing our bathroom just for a day. There was a flurry of activity with people getting ready for bed or about to get ready for bed. I usually strop my razor at night to prepare for the next morning's shave. I asked her if, given the circumstances, it would be OK for my to strop my razor. Her answer? "Strop away!"
3) Normally in the mornings I get ready, showered, and shaved while my sweetheart is still in bed asleep. This morning she got up rather earlier than usual, and so it happened that she was in there getting ready for the day while I was shaving with my ZY. I kept expecting her to ask me why I was using that razor, why I was relathering, why it was taking me so long to shave, etc., etc. Instead, I did a full 3-pass straight razor shave while standing right next to her and she said absolutely NOTHING about the shave or the equipment. Wow.

Have a great holiday weekend, gents. I will taking Sunday off from open blades, as I always do. Also playing the organ for our church meeting tomorrow. That's always pretty fun. And I have Monday off work. Woo-hoo!
Well, I will say it sounds like your wife is getting "broken in" with your straight!