last early evening - 5:30ish already pretty dark, lamp posts light up some of the route, but not enough for me to see so I used my new headlamp and after a few size adjustments and brightness adjustments, the 5mile post-sunset run was a success.
reebok floatride run fast 2's and my attempt to incorporate better
triple extension (Hip extension, Knee extension, & Ankle plantarflexion)
have me moving at a pretty quick clip, definitely a faster pace than i am used to on the 5 mile, but i'll hopefully get used to the pace sooner. i don't think it's a strength thing, more of a conditioning thing, but i'll do both.
this morning, my calves were pretty tight, rolled them out on a new toy i got called the R8, sadly not the audi version, but roll recovery, legs felt really good.
this thing is a beast. it a bit pricey, but if i use it more than the foam roller, totally worth it, and so far i have been using it 2-3x a day, so much more convenient and accessible. i bought mine off ebay, not new, still pricey, but not as bad.
did some of my ankle exercises, and it feels like i am back in physical therapy, basically doing the same thing. My daughters PT guy for her knee is nice enough to answer a question or 2 for me, and i am trying to be considerate to not ask too many that makes it seem i am trying to get away with free PT advice.