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January 2022 Sumo Tournament

The only problem with the site is the lag between the event and NHK posting to the page. Do you see it in real time on the app?
They have live sumo on the Roku app, with the full broadcast. Though I usually only catch the replays….
The only problem with the site is the lag between the event and NHK posting to the page. Do you see it in real time on the app?
For me this doesn't really matter. Due to the time difference (eastern US) the live events in Japan are in the middle of the night for me so I would not be watching real time.
For me this doesn't really matter. Due to the time difference (eastern US) the live events in Japan are in the middle of the night for me so I would not be watching real time.
Oh sure, same day is ok for me too, but they usually post them 2-3 days later, and then it feels funny if you want to follow with other people online.
Oh sure, same day is ok for me too, but they usually post them 2-3 days later, and then it feels funny if you want to follow with other people online.
Yep, lots of spoilers. I’m always trying to not look at social media during tournaments.
Yeah, unfortunately I came to the party late and did not get to watch much of Hakuho. I have gone back and watched many of his past matches but it is not the same as watching current bouts. He was certainly amazing.
Yeah, unfortunately I came to the party late and did not get to watch much of Hakuho. I have gone back and watched many of his past matches but it is not the same as watching current bouts. He was certainly amazing.
Same here, I was lucky enough to watch his final tournament. I feel like I've gone back and watched many hours of his matches by now.
Pretty exciting matches today.

Sad to see Takakeisho is out though :( Now both of my favorites are out.

Will anyone beat Teru? How he be so close to defeat only to pull it back is unreal, his knees my be shot, but those legs are strong!
Sad to see Takakeisho is out though :( Now both of my favorites are out.

Will anyone beat Teru? How he be so close to defeat only to pull it back is unreal, his knees my be shot, but those legs are strong!
Yeah, thats a bummer about Takakeisho.

Right now it does not look like anyone is presenting a big challenge to Terunofiji. He is just so strong.

My man Ura gave it an excellent go today! Great matches today!
Consider this --- Ura is 1 - 3 for the tournament, but he has had to face the absolute top 4 ranked Rikishi in the first 4 days (1 Yokozuna, 2 Ozeki and 1 Sekiwake), so his schedule can not get any harder than that. I still think he gets kachi-koshi for the tournament, he will start piling up some wins.
Ura certainly gave Terunofuji everything he could handle. I look for him to get 10 or more from this basho.