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January 2022 Sumo Tournament


"I have Always been Rich"
Looks like a key to beating Takakeisho is to tape your butt cheeks together. Get a load of golden sparkle jacket man! Posture Woman hasn’t showed up yet.
A little concerned about Ura
Ura looked pretty bad, that was a real head walker of a fall.

I'm a big fan of both Taka's bad start for the hamster.

Great idea starting a thread @Majorrich.
The final app or so matches of the sumo tournament are widely available on YouTube. Looking deep into the heart of Japanese culture.
Ura certainly got his bell rung on day 2 and likely has a concussion, hope he is alright. Terunofuji looked like he got surprised on day one, didn't look like he was expecting his opponent to come out so strong.
I’m just surprised. I know of sumo…. But didn’t know it was something folks over here watched. Then to hear a few of you are into it, had me surprised. I’ve not seen or heard anything on the news or online about it at all.
When I was a kid we lived next door to a Samoan sumo wrestler and got to see him fight. He was pretty low level so would never be on tv. Fast forward 50 some years. I found an all Japanese channel on cable tv. Mom really liked her sumo (and everything else) that was before the Alzheimer’s really took hold.
I’m just surprised. I know of sumo…. But didn’t know it was something folks over here watched. Then to hear a few of you are into it, had me surprised. I’ve not seen or heard anything on the news or online about it at all.
I just got into it last year and started following the tournaments so I am still learning but I am enjoying it. I even have a Sumo app on my phone for quick reference and updates. There are a number of ways to watch it, but I tend to use Jason's All-Sumo channel on YouTube. I think @Majorrich watches Jasons' channel too. He does a good job explaining things and commenting on the matches but does not show all the matches. I think @Luecke3262 watches it on the official Sumo website but I'm not sure what the web address is.
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Ura coming back strong on Day 3 to get a win after getting his head bounced off the floor yesterday.

Each of his first 3 matches have been against higher ranked opponents. I still think he is going to have a good tournament and get his kachi-koshi (more wins than losses in the tournament).
I just got into it last year and started following the tournaments so I am still learning but I am enjoying it. I even have a Sumo app on my phone for quick reference and updates. There are a number of ways to watch it, but I tend to use Jason's All-Sumo channel on YouTube. I think @Majorrich watches Jasons' channel too. He does a good job explaining things and commenting on the matches but does not show all the matches. I think @Luecke3262 watches it on the official Sumo website but I'm not sure what the web address is.
Same here, sad Jason will be stopping this year.
Ura coming back strong on Day 3 to get a win after getting his head bounced off the floor yesterday.

Each of his first 3 matches have been against higher ranked opponents. I still think he is going to have a good tournament and get his kachi-koshi (more wins than losses in the tournament).
Hate to see Takakeisho fall to anyone, but Ura looked great, that post match interview was classic.
"What went thought your mind when you won today?"
"I don't know"

Watching on Kintamayama
Ura coming back strong on Day 3 to get a win after getting his head bounced off the floor yesterday.

Each of his first 3 matches have been against higher ranked opponents. I still think he is going to have a good tournament and get his kachi-koshi (more wins than losses in the tournament).
Thank goodness I thought he would be out for several days, that could have been bad!
@Spider I usually watch my sumo through the NHK World website and follow the sumo section. BUT LATELY, I found the NHK World Roku app and now watch it all on my tv! I think the announcers do a good job in english, I feel like I’ve learned a lot. They also have special programs on history here and there.
@Spider I usually watch my sumo through the NHK World website and follow the sumo section. BUT LATELY, I found the NHK World Roku app and now watch it all on my tv! I think the announcers do a good job in english, I feel like I’ve learned a lot. They also have special programs on history here and there.
The only problem with the site is the lag between the event and NHK posting to the page. Do you see it in real time on the app?