The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

I'm No Good at Journals...

SO, its been another busy month.... Work has really been the antithesis of my being with nearly every week being a 60+ hour work week. Though, I have managed to continue looking at razors and to pick up a few here and there.

The month started out with a BANG! For one, My birthday was on the 5th and my son, Nathan's(3 years old) was on the 6th. Shortly after or before, it's hard to remember, I received my TSC SV brush. I've been fairly happy with it, except for some reason it is already starting to loose paint around the rim of the casting(kinda lame for an expensive brush), but it shaves great, so oh well....

Next, I Ordered my first soap and aftershave from Southern Witchcrafts', Autumn Ash. The scent reminds me of a bath and bodyworks hand soap or candle, but it is right in my wheel house. Deep, brooding, and slightly sweet, with some brunt wood and cedar. The soap performed AMAZINGLY. I need to use it again tomorrow, while it is still autumn.

Next I received a George Butler 5/8 Rapid Razor, with a really cool poem verse on it by Sir Thomas Moore:

Faintly as tolls the evening chime
Our voices keep tune and our oars keep time
Our voices keep tune and our oars keep time
Soon as the woods on shore look dim
We'll sing at St. Ann's our parting hymn
Row, brothers, row, the stream runs fast
The rapids are near and the daylight's past

The rapids are near and the daylight's past.

Why should we yet our sail unfurl
There is not a breath the blue wave to curl
There is not a breath the blue wave to curl
But when the wind blows off the shore
Oh, sweetly we'll rest the weary oar
Blow, breezes, blow, the stream runs fast
The rapids are near and the daylight's past
The rapids are near and the daylight's past.

The razor cleaned up well, but it will never look perfect, I have since restored the gold lettering and honed it. I still need to test shave it.
Next is a really cool English Pewter, Scuttle and Brush set! I picked it up on Thursday, locally. The marks on the brush date it to 1927 and cooler still, the badger brush knot is in phenomenal shape and will see some use again.

Lastly, my WHITE WHALE, if it can still be called a white whale? I have transitioned 99% to using straight razors, because I believe that I get a better shave with less skin irritation. It always seems like I'll get an ingrown hair or two along the creases of my mouth, every time I use a safety razor, but never with a straight. Well, the Gillette Double Ring had been the razor I was hunting before becoming a Straight Hound, but it had not been on my radar for many years. In fact up until this last month, I had not purchased a safety razor for maybe a year or more. This razor was a complete and utter surprise that I simply could not pass up.. BUT.... I did an strange and uncharacteristic thing.... The story goes, I found it on Facebook Marketplace at 7:30pm, and somehow it was only 4 miles away, but in a not so nice part of St. Louis. The seller notified me that it would be sitting on her front porch for pickup and to put the money in her mail slot. I could pick it up tonight or tomorrow morning. This was about 7:45pm, as I was laying my 3 year old down for bed. While we were reading books, the seller notified me that another person wanted it and that it was first come first serve, even though we had already made a deal(though no money was exchanged, so I can't blame her much).... The kiddo miraculously fell asleep at 8pm on the dot, then I took an Ice Cream order from Iryna(the best way to placate her when she's annoyed with me) and I shot out of the door, accompanied by my trusty Beretta 92. Luckily I was was there in about 8 minutes and there was no traffic. I actually arrived moments before the other guy who wanted to buy it!!!! He walked up the steps as I was walking down, we laughed about it a little and both quickly exited the neighborhood, because it is seriously not safe after dark(like don’t stop at stoplights or stop signs unsafe). This was at 8:15, an entire 45 minutes after discovery! RAD makes you do some stupid stuff lol.
I usually would NEVER go into the city, especially on the State streets at that time of night, but how often do you see a Double Ring for sale? Throwing caution to the wind is not a typical trait of mine, but in this case it paid off. Who knows how often I'll shave with it, but I will clean it up a little and try to decide where it belongs in my den. By the way, no, I did not forget to get Ira some Ice cream, she would have skinned my hide otherwise. ;-P
The box is a bit worse for wear, but the interior is in great shape. The razor needs a good cleaning and other than a slightly bent tooth, it is good to go. Too bad, the dull box is missing. Though I'm always reminded when I score a amazing acquisition like this, "you can't have your cake and eat it too." I'm beyond very grateful for all the wonderful scores I've made over the years and on top of that, that I make it home safely to my family every day.

Best wishes gentlemen!

That's my grail razor, I've pretty much given up thinking that I might find one somewhere. I would risk my life (maybe even kill o_O) to get one! :D
SO, its been another busy month.... Work has really been the antithesis of my being with nearly every week being a 60+ hour work week. Though, I have managed to continue looking at razors and to pick up a few here and there.

The month started out with a BANG! For one, My birthday was on the 5th and my son, Nathan's(3 years old) was on the 6th. Shortly after or before, it's hard to remember, I received my TSC SV brush. I've been fairly happy with it, except for some reason it is already starting to loose paint around the rim of the casting(kinda lame for an expensive brush), but it shaves great, so oh well....
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Next, I Ordered my first soap and aftershave from Southern Witchcrafts', Autumn Ash. The scent reminds me of a bath and bodyworks hand soap or candle, but it is right in my wheel house. Deep, brooding, and slightly sweet, with some brunt wood and cedar. The soap performed AMAZINGLY. I need to use it again tomorrow, while it is still autumn.
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Next I received a George Butler 5/8 Rapid Razor, with a really cool poem verse on it by Sir Thomas Moore:

Faintly as tolls the evening chime
Our voices keep tune and our oars keep time
Our voices keep tune and our oars keep time
Soon as the woods on shore look dim
We'll sing at St. Ann's our parting hymn
Row, brothers, row, the stream runs fast
The rapids are near and the daylight's past

The rapids are near and the daylight's past.

Why should we yet our sail unfurl
There is not a breath the blue wave to curl
There is not a breath the blue wave to curl
But when the wind blows off the shore
Oh, sweetly we'll rest the weary oar
Blow, breezes, blow, the stream runs fast
The rapids are near and the daylight's past
The rapids are near and the daylight's past.

The razor cleaned up well, but it will never look perfect, I have since restored the gold lettering and honed it. I still need to test shave it.
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Next is a really cool English Pewter, Scuttle and Brush set! I picked it up on Thursday, locally. The marks on the brush date it to 1927 and cooler still, the badger brush knot is in phenomenal shape and will see some use again.
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Lastly, my WHITE WHALE, if it can still be called a white whale? I have transitioned 99% to using straight razors, because I believe that I get a better shave with less skin irritation. It always seems like I'll get an ingrown hair or two along the creases of my mouth, every time I use a safety razor, but never with a straight. Well, the Gillette Double Ring had been the razor I was hunting before becoming a Straight Hound, but it had not been on my radar for many years. In fact up until this last month, I had not purchased a safety razor for maybe a year or more. This razor was a complete and utter surprise that I simply could not pass up.. BUT.... I did an strange and uncharacteristic thing.... The story goes, I found it on Facebook Marketplace at 7:30pm, and somehow it was only 4 miles away, but in a not so nice part of St. Louis. The seller notified me that it would be sitting on her front porch for pickup and to put the money in her mail slot. I could pick it up tonight or tomorrow morning. This was about 7:45pm, as I was laying my 3 year old down for bed. While we were reading books, the seller notified me that another person wanted it and that it was first come first serve, even though we had already made a deal(though no money was exchanged, so I can't blame her much).... The kiddo miraculously fell asleep at 8pm on the dot, then I took an Ice Cream order from Iryna(the best way to placate her when she's annoyed with me) and I shot out of the door, accompanied by my trusty Beretta 92. Luckily I was was there in about 8 minutes and there was no traffic. I actually arrived moments before the other guy who wanted to buy it!!!! He walked up the steps as I was walking down, we laughed about it a little and both quickly exited the neighborhood, because it is seriously not safe after dark(like don’t stop at stoplights or stop signs unsafe). This was at 8:15, an entire 45 minutes after discovery! RAD makes you do some stupid stuff lol.
I usually would NEVER go into the city, especially on the State streets at that time of night, but how often do you see a Double Ring for sale? Throwing caution to the wind is not a typical trait of mine, but in this case it paid off. Who knows how often I'll shave with it, but I will clean it up a little and try to decide where it belongs in my den. By the way, no, I did not forget to get Ira some Ice cream, she would have skinned my hide otherwise. ;-P
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The box is a bit worse for wear, but the interior is in great shape. The razor needs a good cleaning and other than a slightly bent tooth, it is good to go. Too bad, the dull box is missing. Though I'm always reminded when I score a amazing acquisition like this, "you can't have your cake and eat it too." I'm beyond very grateful for all the wonderful scores I've made over the years and on top of that, that I make it home safely to my family every day.

Best wishes gentlemen!

Absolutely gorgeous! :love:
That's my grail razor, I've pretty much given up thinking that I might find one somewhere. I would risk my life (maybe even kill o_O) to get one! :D
There is still hope, there were hundreds of thousands made and new ones pop up every few months. It’s a needle in a haystack, the key is to look in a lot of haystacks. Lol good luck!
I’m anxious to hear the double ring shave review. There is something about shaving with a piece of history. Who owned it? What did he do for a living? Where did he live? These questions come to mind when I shave with my razors, all except two are vintage or genuine antiques. That pewter mug and brush are beautiful as well!
Well, I NEEDED a shave really bad... I’ve been working 60+ hours a week for the last few weeks and just have not been able to carve out the time for a shave. We had a huge deadline at work today that turned into a 💩 show at the last moment that forced me to stay late. Now that I have a day to catch my breath, before preparing for the next deadline, I figured I’d stay up late and have a nice relaxing shave. It was somewhat relaxing, even though I decided to film myself.
I had about 5-6 days of growth and decided to shave with a Wostenholme 6/8, 1/4 hollow and with a new to me Gillette Double Ring. I wanted to try out the Double Ring, but I knew it would be a bad idea to tackle a weeks worth of growth with a new razor. So, I settled on a combo shave and decided I’ll shave exclusively with the Double Ring tomorrow.
The shave went really well, except the silent whisker assassin(Wostenholme) tree topped something. Nice and smooth all around. I was given great advice, to try a GSB in the Double Ring and I was not lead astray. The 1/4 of a shave I did with the DR was very smooth, looking forward to tomorrow.
It’s crazy to think the DR is 115 years old and the Wostenholme is about 130 or more years old. They both shave like a new razor to me! I wonder what kind of man bought the DR, it was $5, back in 1905, that’s $148 in today’s dollars. So, he was almost certainly a businessman or someone that was well off. The different names and numbers scratched in the Wosty tell me that it spent its life in a barbershop. It would be incredible to know how many hands they had been in before mine!
Have a great day everyone!