Shave #343 (499 Open Blade Shaves) of 2021:
Gear: Feather AC folding SS, Feather Pro blade, Colonial “Armored” General, Feather Pro blade, Yaqi Sagrada Familia synth brush, CBL Steel Grey Fougere soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, LNHC Barber Shoppe post shave elixir, and Bvlgari Man Glacial Essence to finish!
Man, I’ve been pretty groggy the last few mornings. Not sure why. Maybe lingering effects of the booster (which I haven’t felt anything really as far as I know) or maybe just in need of a break. I did have a workout last night before going out for ramen but that doesn’t explain previous mornings.
Good shave this morning though! Some nice, clean, unassuming scents to kick off the day.
We had one good half day of heavy rain toward the beginning of the week, but sadly the rest that was forecasted did not come. Some lighter showers are forecasted through next week, hopefully they come. CA really needs it!
Have a great Thursday all!