Shave #261 (459 Open Blade Shaves) of 2021:
Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Yaqi Moka synth brush, Ethos Vanilla Safi soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Clubman Vanilla AS, and Ferragamo Uomo to finish!
Fairly decent sleep in this morning. Nice morning out with the missus after her morning Orange Theory class and virtual Rome tour (random I know). Found a beach/surf shop near the coffee shop we went to (Dart Coffee) called Mollusk. Some super nice causal/beach wear. I think I know where to ask for clothes from for birthday/Christmas lol! Still haven’t been able to make it into Channel Island surf, but it’s on my list.
Tried the sample of Vanilla Safi that KJ generously sent along from his winnings. A really nice gourmand vanilla scent to this soap. My only Ethos experience until this shave was a bath soap sent along by our mutual Kentuckian friend as a gift. Really nice to be able to try the shave soap finally. I couldn’t find my lather bowl so I just dipped out a finger tip full and smeared it on my day and a half growth. Probably didn’t do the soap the justice it deserves but it whipped up with no problems with my dampened Moka. Didn’t have any truly matching scents so I made due with my witch hazel/aloe blend and a generous splash of Clubman Vanilla. Topped off with Uomo. My skin feels really nice post shave at the moment! Good stuff!
Laundry day and doing some chores around the house before chillin this afternoon/evening.
Hope you’re all having a great Saturday too!