The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Shave #338 (452 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR Game Changer .68 SB, Bic Chrome Platinum blade, Yaqi Sagrada Familia synth brush, CBL Aquatic Oud soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, Lucky Tiger AS, and Avon Tai Winds to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 263:

Last morning being up early for the next couple days hopefully!

Great shave though. This Aquatic Oud I got as an oversized sample from Chris but it’s almost done. Maybe ten or less shaves left? Hard to tell. A nice scent, fits a lot of modern follow up scents quite well, probably not one I’d bring back in over some of his other stuff though. That artisan base though...👌

More of the same today. More reports of near misses on the ‘Rona as friends, extended family, and some church family deal with cases or positive reports. The degrees of separation seem to be lessening right now. I think that a household family member getting it is just a matter of time (unless we had it already and never knew).

Rudolph Buddy gift did indeed come in yesterday. Although I know who it is (fine by me, I’d rather know who to thank), I’m excited for opening day to arrive!

Have a great Thursday all!
Rudolph Buddy gift did indeed come in yesterday. Although I know who it is (fine by me, I’d rather know who to thank), I’m excited for opening day to arrive!

Have a great Thursday all!

I thought we were supposed to put our name inside (card, note, something) so they know (and in my case, an apology for the horrific first attempt, hehe). Will some folks actually open the gifts on xmas and still have no clue? [emoji44][emoji848][emoji1787]
I thought we were supposed to put our name inside (card, note, something) so they know (and in my case, an apology for the horrific first attempt, hehe). Will some folks actually open the gifts on xmas and still have no clue? [emoji44][emoji848][emoji1787]
It’s up to the sender really. There’s been a couple cases where the person is still clueless after opening, if I recall correctly. For the most part though there’s usually a give-away clue or name included.
Today is my last early morning shave for a few days also. Cadre Friday coming up.

There has been some of our extended family that has been exposed to The Rona. So far, nothing severe, but I would like to keep it a bit farther away.
Today is my last early morning shave for a few days also. Cadre Friday coming up.

There has been some of our extended family that has been exposed to The Rona. So far, nothing severe, but I would like to keep it a bit farther away.
Cadre Friday! Woohoo!

Hope it stays father away too!
That's disturbing. Stay safe, Noir family!
Thanks Bruce!
I hear ya. I've had those "It's just a matter of time" thoughts as well. I keep telling myself we just need to make it a few more months.
Yep, we just have to make a little while longer, be safe, and be grumpy, make people not want to be around you. It's worked great for me so far.
One of these days...we’ll look back at this and wonder how we ever made it 😂
Shave #339 (452 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, SV/TSC Il Re Tasso d’Oro brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 264:

Was up a bit early (not as early as if it were a work day mind) to get the kids going for the day and in classes.

Decided to join my brother @MarkB in an SV 70th shave. Fortunately mine went pretty well! Maybe some of my shave fortune will ride the easterly winds to his house for the rest of the day? I hope so! Finished off with SV 70th AS (not Nivea Bourbon/Vanilla, I know...though I’d like to try that one day if I can find it) and some of that enveloping luxury of Guerlain Vetiver. Very nice.

Some writing to get to today (’s been about a week or more since I touched it) and then some Fortnite (one of the newly released skins is an upgradable version of the Mandalorian!). Definitely watching the latest Mando episode later this evening (sad that the end of the season is swiftly approaching).

Have a great Friday all!
Shave #339 (452 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, SV/TSC Il Re Tasso d’Oro brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 264:

Was up a bit early (not as early as if it were a work day mind) to get the kids going for the day and in classes.

Decided to join my brother @MarkB in an SV 70th shave. Fortunately mine went pretty well! Maybe some of my shave fortune will ride the easterly winds to his house for the rest of the day? I hope so! Finished off with SV 70th AS (not Nivea Bourbon/Vanilla, I know...though I’d like to try that one day if I can find it) and some of that enveloping luxury of Guerlain Vetiver. Very nice.

Some writing to get to today (’s been about a week or more since I touched it) and then some Fortnite (one of the newly released skins is an upgradable version of the Mandalorian!). Definitely watching the latest Mando episode later this evening (sad that the end of the season is swiftly approaching).

Have a great Friday all!
If you have a Target out your way, the Nivea splash “should” be found for about $5.... almost finished my bottle from last June 👍
So..Novel, Biography...Autobiography?

By bet is on some historical science fiction with a splash of magical realism! 🤪
Lol nothing nearly so wild. Some confirmation classes actually!
If you have a Target out your way, the Nivea splash “should” be found for about $5.... almost finished my bottle from last June 👍
That’s where I figured they’d be but I’ve looked at a couple local stores and no dice yet. I’ll have to keep checking periodically.
Shave #340 (452 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, CBL Grassroots Lavender soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, Fine Savon Lavande AS, Lavender/Roman Chamomile/Tangerine EOs, and Bvlgari Man Glacial Essence sample to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 265:

Nice day so far! Got to sleep in some then it was time to get everyone moving to knock out the usual Saturday chores. Did a little leaf raking myself...I hope the rest of these leaves fall soon...seems like by the time I was done about 1/4 of the amount I had raked had fallen back down from the trees 😂 annoying! Gonna have to clean out the gutters again soon too.

Great lavender themed shave this afternoon. A couple little nicks around the corners of the mouth but otherwise fairly smooth, with some concentration. Layered on the lavender scents...mmm-MMMMm!

My aunt on my mom’s side stopped by briefly as she lives fairly locally. Usually my mom’s side of the family has a huge annual pre-Christmas get together at a ritzy restaurant...well that’s been nixed this year for safety reasons. Instead we’re shipping/delivering presents before doing a huge Zoom call to see everyone and see the kids open gifts. Should be fun!

Have a great Saturday all!