The Shaving Cadre

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If you have to do something...

Shave #203 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Gillette Platinum blade, Yaqi Rainbow w/ brown synth brush, CBL Grassroots Lavender, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Myrsol K, and Atelier Vanille Insensee to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 128:

Easier time waking up this morning, especially since I had a nice refreshing shower to look forward to.

Shave went off without a hitch. The nice combo of lavender, peppermint, and vanilla was both refreshing and very pleasant.

More power washing today. I’m hoping this should be the last of the walkways for the time being. The boss does want some of the outside walls of particular buildings done as well though.

Later this evening I’m subbing in for the high school ministry director in leading a small home group of teen boys, they’re going through a book about self control called A Man’s Greatest Challenge. Hopefully I can keep their interest!

Have a great Tuesday all!
Have a great day! And as @bentheduck says “stay hydrated”.
Done and done!
Huh. I don't remember smelling anything but light lavender. I have a mission to accomplish when I get home! It's weird how my olfactory senses have changed.
Well the soap is light lavender, but followed with Myrsol K and the Atelier cologne for some peppermint and vanilla respectively.
I hope they day is going well Chris!
Just got home, so it’s on the upswing!
Shave #204 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Gillette Platinum blade, Stirling 2-band synth brush, Stirling Christmas Eve, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, and Avon Deep Woods to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 129:

It’s my Friday! Woohoo!

A shave to freshen and wake me up this morning. Decided to pull out Deep Woods for the shave as soon as I saw Pat’s use of it yesterday. It is my current Avon favorite afterall! Paired it up with Christmas Eve for the soap, which, while not an exact match, still has some of the same elements and just plain smells good. Platinum in the GC is still going strong. Hoping that tomorrow I can pull it together for a Feather SS Shave.

Yesterday’s high school guys group went pretty good I think. Most everyone showed up, knowing that the high school director wasn’t going to be there, and they seemed to stay engaged. We had some laughs and hopefully they took something away from it.

Did end up finishing the sidewalk power washing as planned...though now some areas with poor sprinkler drainage look almost as bad as before I started already. At least it’s not compacted crud I guess. For the most part, everything looks a bit brighter. Have to tackle some building walls today.

Have a great Wednesday all!
Thank you for the work you did with the young men. They need all the positive modeling they can get. I'm sure you did a great job!

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Shave #205 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Gillette Platinum blade, Yaqi SF synth brush, CBL 50 Shades of Vetiver, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Speick AS, and Perry Ellis Oud Saffron Rose Absolut to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 130:

Nice sleep in but a late start to the day. Was able to have a nice breakfast with the missus but quickly had to get hoppin on the yard work so I could get it done in time for my mentoring appointment this afternoon.

Nice shower n shave once the yard work was done. Just went for a quick (relatively for me) 3 pass with the GC .68 and fresh fresh fresh for the scent profile. OK, so PE Oud Saffron Rose isn’t necessarily fresh...but it’s a nice, light rose, that’s still manly.

With the yard work pretty much done except perhaps some trimming before collection day, I should have some easier days the remainder of the week.

Hope your all healthy, well, and having a great Thursday all!
Shave #206 (414 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather folding SS, Feather Pro blade, RR GC .68, Gillette Platinum blade, Yaqi SF synth brush, CBL ROS, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Avon Spicy AS, and Black Amber Agonist clone oil to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 131:

Finally pulled out the Feather again. I’ll admit I was pretty apprehensive about it given that I haven’t used it or another open blade in months. Nicked myself only once out of two passes, on the chin, but it wasn’t too bad. Definitely felt the hyper-sharpness of the brand new Feather Pro throughout the shave, threatening facial destruction should my attention lapse. Shave enjoyment was aided by use of CBL’s legendary ROS scent and Avon Spicy.

Have a great Friday all! Ya made it to the weekend!
Shave #207 (415 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather folding SS, Feather Pro blade, RR GC .68, Gillette Platinum blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, SV 70th, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 132:

Bit of a restless night for sleep, but up at a reasonable hour anyway.

Another Feather SS shave under my belt. No cuts today thankfully! Didn’t even reopen yesterday’s nick. Final pass with the GC brought me BBS easily. Going to push my luck at some point and do some 3 pass shaves with the Feather (been even longer since I’ve done that) but not yet. No complaints about the scent profiles today...each very much a favorite.

Debating going with the family to visit the in-laws. My wife initially was going down to have a meeting with her MK director, which is still happening, but it turned into a “let’s all go and visit the in-laws too. I have nothing against my family, extended or otherwise, but we usually just end up doing the same things we do at home, just (for me) less comfortably. I’m the home-body of my family for sure...

Unplanned trip to the store yesterday for dog food yielded a surprising find of some isopropyl alcohol that I was dangerously low on for my razor dips.

Pooches are washed, fuzzy, and happy.

Have a great Saturday all!