Shave #207 (415 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Feather folding SS, Feather Pro blade, RR GC .68, Gillette Platinum blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, SV 70th, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 132:
Bit of a restless night for sleep, but up at a reasonable hour anyway.
Another Feather SS shave under my belt. No cuts today thankfully! Didn’t even reopen yesterday’s nick. Final pass with the GC brought me BBS easily. Going to push my luck at some point and do some 3 pass shaves with the Feather (been even longer since I’ve done that) but not yet. No complaints about the scent profiles today...each very much a favorite.
Debating going with the family to visit the in-laws. My wife initially was going down to have a meeting with her MK director, which is still happening, but it turned into a “let’s all go and visit the in-laws too. I have nothing against my family, extended or otherwise, but we usually just end up doing the same things we do at home, just (for me) less comfortably. I’m the home-body of my family for sure...
Unplanned trip to the store yesterday for dog food yielded a surprising find of some isopropyl alcohol that I was dangerously low on for my razor dips.
Pooches are washed, fuzzy, and happy.
Have a great Saturday all!