The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Shave #200 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Gillette Platinum blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, CBL Barbershop, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Skin Bracer AS, and Boucheron Jaipur Homme to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 125:

A bit late in the morning, but I’m shaved (great shave!), cleaned up and we’re headed out on a day’s get-away. Headed toward the coast for some nature. The missus and kids have been stir crazy, so we made the call to get out of Sac for the day.

Have a great Saturday everyone!
Shave #200 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Gillette Platinum blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, CBL Barbershop, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, Skin Bracer AS, and Boucheron Jaipur Homme to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 125:

A bit late in the morning, but I’m shaved (great shave!), cleaned up and we’re headed out on a day’s get-away. Headed toward the coast for some nature. The missus and kids have been stir crazy, so we made the call to get out of Sac for the day.

Have a great Saturday everyone!
Have a fun day Chris and crew 😎
Shave #201 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, SV 70th, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, SV 70th AS, and Guerlain Vetiver to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 126:

Decent nights rest after the long drive and physical exertion of yesterday’s day trip. The missus and kids were very pleased at the end of it all, so mission accomplished!

Nice shower n shave this morning. Almost made a critical blunder with the Vector on the ATG in the mustache area...thankfully the blade is well used and no blood was drawn.

Watched church online, since CA is back to not allowing physical services. It was a bit of an odd week since physical services had been planned and a few key players had set their elements in motion late last week so they could have some vacation...but it all worked out and He was glorified anyway!

Chores to catch up on today. 3 day work stretch on the horizon, starting tomorrow. More of the same I’m afraid.

Have a blessed Sunday all!
I'm glad the shave went well and there was no blood drawn Chris! I'm sorry that y'all weren't able to do physical services today, but hopefully that will come to an end soon. Have a great rest of your day!
Shave #202 (413 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Gillette Platinum blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, LNHC Coconut Oud, homemade witch hazel/aloe mix, RR The and Stallion AS to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 127:


Groggy wake up...but nothing a nice shave n cup o iced coffee can’t fix! Not much to mow down given the Vector shave yesterday.

Work should be more of the same. I am wondering though if things (for the state) are going to fully shut down again or not. Seems like they should, but undoubtedly even the bravest of politicians would not dare step back that far.

Thankfully the temps are projected to be low 90s/even down to high 80s this week.

Have a great Monday all!
Can those words really be used together?

Have a great day!
Dunno, but I did it!
Have a sweltering day Chris.......... I am...
It was pretty warm...thankfully not like last week. I’ve achieved a lovely dual skin shade of bronze and Gweilo pale. Darn farmers tans.
We're having a bit of cooler weather here too.

Yes, but mostly no. Give the guy a break, he's from California! 🤪
Yea...we can’t all be Texan Tinkerbells! 😜