The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Shave #129 (409 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Stirling 2-band synth brush, CBL Barbershop soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 54:

Ended up dabbing on some Encre Noir to finish the day yesterday...very nice, oily kind of scent from what I could tell. Subtle, but seemed to last well and project.

Made it to Friday, finally!

Bit of a later start, but the kids had less to do today than normal; it was more of a planned catch up day for them.

Got the shave in and tried Ambre Sultan. Another nice, darker/sweet scent. Having a hard time placing a lot of what I’m smelling since I’ve been switching up scents nearly every day. I just know most are nice, some are just OK, haven’t had any “heck no”s yet though I think.

Later tonight the older sons’ youth group is having a drive-in movie meetup. The leaders lay out some snacks, we all pull in to the same movie, normal social distancing rules, but the kids at least get to actually see each other rather than just communicating over Zoom. Should be an interesting experiment. Our kids at least have not really left our property for almost 2 months except to go to essential appointments. Hopefully disappointments about the inability to actually hang out (in close proximity) can be managed.

I think I’m going to down the last of my Eagle Rare this evening...leaving my second adult beverage position open finally. I may go for that rum @NurseDave recommended, Zara; the local Raley’s had a bottle the last time I was in. Once I’ve depleted the Tuaca, which I’ve actually begun to enjoy now (decided its best had neat or over a single ice cube), I’ll bring a bourbon or scotch back in.

Have a great Friday all!
I have so much to learn about frags :ROFLMAO:
It's good to hear the kids are able to have some sort of social contact other than through a computer screen.

Stay hydrated.
Sounds like a great day! I'm sure the kids will enjoy the movie even if it isn't hanging out in close proximity. As far as adult beverages go...there is a bottle of Gentleman's Jack calling my name tonight.
I have so much to learn about frags :ROFLMAO:
It's good to hear the kids are able to have some sort of social contact other than through a computer screen.

Stay hydrated.
Thanks Ben. I do too...I don’t know why I’m bothering though, it only really matters if I like it or don’t, lol.
Sounds like a great day! I'm sure the kids will enjoy the movie even if it isn't hanging out in close proximity. As far as adult beverages go...there is a bottle of Gentleman's Jack calling my name tonight.
Hopefully! How do you like Gentleman’s? I mean regular is OK for a cheap sip, though not ideal. Haven’t had Gentleman’s though.
Enjoy the movie. I'll stick to diet Pepsi and home roast coffee myself. ;)
Hmmm...Cofpsi? Pepfee...nah :unsure: 😜
Sounds like a good day!
So far!
Gentleman's is smoother in my opinion. Original Jack is nice, but I have to have ice with it. Gentleman's is smooth neat or with ice.
Hmm...maybe! :poop:
cmon already.....

Shave #130 (409 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, Clown Puke tub soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, Master Jade, and Lush Hellfire (?) to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 55:

Lazy Saturday, yay!

Just a couple chores to do around the house, particularly watering the lawn...which is a process in itself with just a garden hose sprinkler attachment.

Shave was nice. Decided to be bold and give Hellfire a try. Can’t find out much info on this frag, or whether I’m looking at the right info or not. This juice is different. Smells like dry, butter wood, some ash, chili pepper, and pencil graphite. It is very strong and is holding steady so far in its scents, not morphing at all. It works, but it’s weird. I can’t imagine a context where one would want to put it on. Probably not a winner for me. I’ll endure it for the day though.

Did see a free concert this morning, in Fortnite believe it or not. Dillon Francis, Steve Aoki, and deadmau5. Good club tunes, I mean Aoki and deadmau5 are legends after all; though the game function of it was no where near as fancy as the in-game concert for Travis Scott, which was really well done (though not necessarily a fan of his music).

Have a great Saturday all! Don’t forget tomorrow is Mother’s Day gents!